
Turbonomic supports discovery of applications that are managed by the Dynatrace platform. Turbonomic includes the discovered information about these applications in its calculations for VM actions.


For container platform environments, Turbonomic stitches New Relic, AppDynamics, Instana, and Dynatrace containerized application components into the supply chain to provide a unified view of your applications. For more information, see Container Platform Targets.


  • Dynatrace 1.1+

  • A Dynatrace Server instance

    This instance must be configured to monitor applications that are running in your environment.

    Turbonomic supports both SaaS and on-prem Dynatrace server installations.

  • Managed VMs that host applications managed by Dynatrace

    For Turbonomic to discover applications through Dynatrace, the applications must be running on VMs in your environment. Also, Turbonomic targets such as hypervisors or public cloud targets must manage these VMs.

  • An API access token with the proper scopes

    Turbonomic uses the API token to authenticate its calls to the Dynatrace API. This token must have permission to run GET methods using the Dynatrace API, both Version 1 and Version 2. Generate a new generic access token with these scopes:

    Turbonomic Functionality Required Permissions
    • API V1 scopes:

      • Access problem and event feed, metrics, and topology

    • API V2 scopes:

      • Read entities

      • Read metrics


    If you are updating to Turbonomic version 8.6.2 or later, from a version that is earlier than 8.6.2, you must generate a new API token for each existing Dynatrace target. Then you must enter that token in the target configuration, and validate the target.

    If the target still fails to validate after you update the access token, take note of your configuration settings, delete the target, and configure the target again. Be sure to use the new API token that you have generated.

  • Custom calculated service metrics

    For Turbonomic to discover Response Time and Transaction metrics for Dynatrace Application Component, you must configure custom calculated service metrics in Dynatrace. For details, see Dynatrace Custom Calculated Service Metrics.

Adding a Dynatrace target


This topic describes features that are available in the new design of the user interface. This new design is enabled by default. If you switched to the legacy design, click New Feature Toggle button in the navigation bar of the user interface and then turn on the toggle to re-enable the new design. For more information, see New Design for the User Interface.


You can manage certain applications or database servers with both Dynatrace and Turbonomic. Avoid such a configuration because it can cause Turbonomic to generate duplicate entities in the market.

If you manage an application by using a Dynatrace server, and you configure that Dynatrace server as a Turbonomic target, ensure you have not added that application as a separate application target in Turbonomic.

  1. Click Settings > Target Configuration.

  2. On the Target configuration page, click Add Target.

  3. On the Select target page, click Dynatrace.

  4. In the side panel, review the connection requirements and then click Connect Target.

  5. Configure the following settings:

    • Hostname or IP address

      Specify the host name or IP of the server for on-prem installations, or the SaaS URL.

      For an on-prem installation of Dynatrace, specify the hostname or IP address with endpoint, separated by a slash. For example,

      For a SaaS installation, specify the URL without the {IP_ADDRESS}/e/ statement in the path. For example, ayz12745.live.dynatrace.com

    • API token

      Specify the token that Turbonomic uses to authenticate calls to the Dynatrace API.

      This token must have permission to run GET methods using the Dynatrace API V1 and V2.

      Refer to the Prerequisites section for more information.

    • Collect virtual machine metrics

      If you select this option, Turbonomic uses the virtual machine metrics that it collects from this target, instead of the metrics that can be collected from related infrastructure targets.

    • Collect tag information

      If you select this option, Turbonomic collects tags that are assigned to application components, business applications, containers, services, and virtual machines discovered from this target.

      Tags are key-value pairs that you define in the target and then assign to different entities.

    • Validate server certificates

      If you select this option, Turbonomic verifies the target certificate and proxy, if in use.

      This option is selected by default.

    • Proxy configuration

      Specify proxy information only if you connect through a proxy.

      • Proxy hostname or IP address

        Specify the address of the proxy used for this target.

      • Proxy port

        Specify the port to use with the proxy used for this target. By default, the port is 8080.

      • Proxy username

        Specify the username to use with the proxy.

      • Proxy password

        Specify the password to use with the proxy.

      • Connect using HTTPS

        Select this option if Turbonomic will connect to the proxy through HTTPS.

Entity mapping

After validating your targets, Turbonomic updates the supply chain with the entities that it discovered. The following table describes the entity mapping between the target and Turbonomic.

Dynatrace Turbonomic
Application Business Application

For Dynatrace Applications, Turbonomic displays Business Application entities in the supply chain when they are active for at least the past 10 minutes.

Service Service
Process Application Component, Database Server
NA Container
Host Virtual Machine

Monitored resources

Turbonomic monitors the following resources:


The exact resources that are monitored will differ based on application type. This list includes all of the resources that you may see.

  • Application Component

    • Heap

      Heap is the portion of a VM or container’s memory allocated to individual applications.

      This commodity applies only to Java applications.

    • Remaining GC capacity

      Remaining GC capacity is the measurement of Application Component uptime that is not spent on garbage collection (GC).

      This commodity applies only to Java applications.

    • Response time

      Response time is the elapsed time between a request and the response to that request. Response time is typically measured in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

    • Transaction

      Transaction is a value that represents the per-second utilization of the transactions that are allocated to a given entity.

    • Virtual CPU (vCPU)

      Virtual CPU is the measurement of CPU that is in use.

    • Virtual memory (vMem)

      Virtual memory (vMem) is the measurement of memory that is in use.

  • Business Application

    • Response time

      Response time is the elapsed time between a request and the response to that request. Response time is typically measured in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

    • Transaction

      Transaction is a value that represents the per-second utilization of the transactions that are allocated to a given entity.

  • Container

    • Virtual CPU (vCPU)

      Virtual CPU is the measurement of CPU that is in use.

    • Virtual memory (vMem)

      Virtual memory (vMem) is the measurement of memory that is in use.

  • Database Server

    For Database Server applications, Turbonomic discovers metrics for MySQL and SQL Server databases only.

    • Virtual CPU (vCPU)

      Virtual CPU is the measurement of CPU that is in use.

    • Virtual memory (vMem)

      Virtual memory (vMem) is the measurement of memory that is in use.

    • Database memory (DBMem)

      Database memory (or DBMem) is the measurement of memory that is utilized by a Database Server.

      This commodity applies only to SQL and MySQL databases.

      Actions to resize database memory are driven by data on the Database Server, which is more accurate than data on the hosting VM.

    • DB cache hit rate

      DB cache hit rate is the measurement of Database Server accesses that result in cache hits, measured as a percentage of hits versus total attempts. A high cache hit rate indicates efficiency.

      This commodity applies only to SQL databases.

    • Transaction

      Transaction is a value that represents the per-second utilization of the transactions that are allocated to a given entity.

      This commodity applies only to SQL databases.

  • Service

    • Response time

      Response time is the elapsed time between a request and the response to that request. Response time is typically measured in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

    • Transaction

      Transaction is a value that represents the per-second utilization of the transactions that are allocated to a given entity.

  • Virtual Machine

    • Virtual CPU (vCPU)

      Virtual CPU is the measurement of CPU that is in use.

    • Virtual memory (vMem)

      Virtual memory (vMem) is the measurement of memory that is in use.

    For a VM, the resources you see depend on how the VM is discovered, and whether the VM provides resources for an application that is discovered by this target:

    • If the VM hosts an application that is discovered through this target, then you see VM metrics that are discovered through this target.

    • If the VM is discovered through a different target, and it does not host any application discovered through this target, you see VM metrics that are discovered through that different target.

    • If the VM is discovered through this target, but it does not host any application that is discovered through this target, then Turbonomic does not display metrics for the VM.


Turbonomic supports the following actions:

  • Application Component

    • Resize Heap

      This action can only be executed outside Turbonomic.

  • Database Server
    • Resize Database Memory (DBMem)

      This action can only be executed outside Turbonomic.

      This commodity applies to MySQL only.

  • Workload Controller

    • Scale

      Actions associated with a workload controller scale replicas horizontally. This is a natural representation of these actions because the parent controller's container specs and number of replicas are modified. The workload controller then rolls out the changes in the running environment.

      For details, see Workload Controller Scale Actions.