
The Turbonomic-Datadog integration combines application performance data with infrastructure data that Turbonomic collects from Datadog to generate full-stack aware, automatable actions that optimize application performance and reduce cost.

By using Turbonomic analytics and automation capabilities, you can dynamically allocate resources to ensure optimal application performance, while you minimize infrastructure costs and comply with licensing and other operational policies.


  • Set up a valid Datadog user account with read-only API and application key access.

  • To discover tags as Business Applications, configure Datadog tags.

Adding a Datadog target


This topic describes features that are available in the new design of the user interface. This new design is enabled by default. If you switched to the legacy design, click New Feature Toggle button in the navigation bar of the user interface and then turn on the toggle to re-enable the new design. For more information, see New Design for the User Interface.


If an application is monitored by Datadog, do not add it as a separate Turbonomic application target.

  1. Click Settings > Target Configuration.

  2. On the Target configuration page, click Add Target.

  3. On the Select target page, click Datadog.

  4. In the side panel, review the connection requirements and then click Connect Target.

  5. Configure the following settings:

    • Display name

      Specify a name that uniquely identifies this connection.

      This name is for display purposes only and does not need to match any name in Datadog.

      The name field can include only alphanumeric, space, or hyphen characters and must have a unique name when multiple Datadog targets are added.

      Important: If your Datadog target was created before Turbonomic version 8.14.2, the display name field was set to the target hostname by default. Because most hostnames include at least one period ("."), the display names field for most targets that were created before Turbonomic version 8.14.2 must be edited before you can make any further changes to the target configuration. You can replace the periods with alphanumeric, space, or hyphen characters, or replace the display name entirely with an option that satisfies these constraints.
    • Hostname

      Specify the address of the Datadog server. For more information, see the Datadog documentation.

    • API key

      Specify the API key provided by the Datadog platform. For more information, see the Datadog documentation.

    • Application key

      Specify the Application key provided by the Datadog platform. For more information, see the Datadog documentation.

    • Business application Datadog tag

      Specify the tags that you configured in Datadog to identify Business Applications.

      To configure tags, follow the steps outlined in this topic.

      The tag name must begin and end with alphabetical characters and can contain hyphens, dots, and underscores.

      Custom tag values that have a matching tag name with the target configuration value are identified as a valid Business Application.

    • Collect virtual machine metrics

      If you select this option, Turbonomic uses the virtual machine metrics that it collects from this target, instead of the metrics that can be collected from related infrastructure targets.

    • Collect tag information

      If you select this option, Turbonomic collects tags assigned to virtual machines discovered from this target.

      Tags are key-value pairs that you define in the target and then assign to different entities.

      You can use these tags in Turbonomic when you search for, filter, or group entities discovered from the target. To view the collected tags, set the scope to a particular entity and then check the Related Tag Information chart.

    • Proxy configuration

      Specify proxy information only if you connect through a proxy.

      • Proxy hostname or IP address

        Specify the address of the proxy used for this target.

      • Proxy port

        Specify the port to use with the proxy used for this target. By default, the port is 8080.

      • Proxy username

        Specify the username to use with the proxy.

      • Proxy password

        Specify the password to use with the proxy.

      • Connect using HTTPS

        Select this option if Turbonomic will connect to the proxy through HTTPS.

Supported applications

Turbonomic discovers the following application types and associated commodities from the Datadog target:

Application type Commodities
Stand-Alone Java Application Virtual CPU, Virtual Memory, Heap, Remaining GC Capacity
Tomcat Virtual CPU, Virtual Memory, Response Time, Transactions, Heap, Remaining GC Capacity

Entity mapping

After validating your targets, Turbonomic updates the supply chain with the entities that it discovered. The following table describes the entity mapping between the target and Turbonomic.

Datadog Turbonomic
Tag Business Application
Resource Business Transaction
Service Service
App Application Component
Container Container
Host Virtual Machine

Entities may not appear in the supply chain if the following requirements are not met:

  • To discover Business Applications and Services and stitch them with the underlying entities in the supply chain, you must configure tags in Datadog.

  • Turbonomic-Datadog support is focused on servlet-based applications and services. If your application components utilize technologies other than servlet-based ones (such as Tomcat, WebSphere, or WebLogic), they are not visible in the supply chain. Similarly, Business Applications that rely on technologies other than servlet-based ones will appear orphaned in the Turbonomic supply chain.

  • Turbonomic-Datadog support extends solely to containers deployed through the Kubernetes deployment method. Containers deployed through alternate methods (like Rancher, Docker Swarm, and so on) will not appear in the Turbonomic supply chain.

  • Virtual Machines in Turbonomic are discovered by cloud targets (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) or on-prem targets (such as VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V). Targets that host the Virtual Machines need to be added as targets in Turbonomic in order to appear in the supply chain after the Datadog target is discovered.

  • When VM entities identified by the Datadog target are stitched with VM entities discovered by the cloud or on-prem target, you can view the link between the VMs and the application components within the supply chain.

Monitored resources

Turbonomic monitors the following resources:


The exact resources that are monitored will differ based on application type. This list includes all of the resources that you may see.

  • Business Application

    • Response time

      Response time is the elapsed time between a request and the response to that request. Response time is typically measured in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

    • Transaction

      Transaction is a value that represents the per-second utilization of the transactions that are allocated to a given entity.

  • Business Transaction

    • Response time

      Response time is the elapsed time between a request and the response to that request. Response time is typically measured in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

    • Transaction

      Transaction is a value that represents the per-second utilization of the transactions that are allocated to a given entity.

  • Service

    • Response time

      Response time is the elapsed time between a request and the response to that request. Response time is typically measured in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

    • Transaction

      Transaction is a value that represents the per-second utilization of the transactions that are allocated to a given entity.

  • Application Component

    • Virtual CPU (vCPU)

      Virtual CPU is the measurement of CPU that is in use.

      This commodity applies only to JVM applications.

    • Virtual memory (vMem)

      Virtual memory (vMem) is the measurement of memory that is in use.

      This commodity applies only to Tomcat applications.

    • Transaction

      Transaction is a value that represents the per-second utilization of the transactions that are allocated to a given entity.

    • Heap

      Heap is the portion of a VM or container’s memory allocated to individual applications.

    • Response time

      Response time is the elapsed time between a request and the response to that request. Response time is typically measured in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

    • Remaining GC capacity

      Remaining GC capacity is the measurement of Application Component uptime that is not spent on garbage collection (GC).

  • Container

    • Virtual memory (vMem)

      Virtual memory (vMem) is the virtual memory utilized by a container against the memory limit. If no limit is set, node capacity is used.

    • vCPU

      vCPU is the virtual CPU (in mCores) utilized by a container against the CPU limit. If no limit is set, node capacity is used).

  • Virtual Machine

    • Virtual CPU (vCPU)

      Virtual CPU is the measurement of CPU that is in use.

    • Virtual memory (vMem)

      Virtual memory (vMem) is the measurement of memory that is in use.


Turbonomic supports the following actions:


The actions that Turbonomic recommends might differ, depending on the application type that Turbonomic discovers and supports for the Datadog target.

  • Application Component

    • Resize Heap

      This action can only be executed outside Turbonomic.

      Actions to resize heap are driven by the application type. For Tomcat applications, analysis only generates resize actions for the Remaining GC Capacity commodity. For JVM applications, analysis only generates resize actions for the Heap commodity.

      For Turbonomic to generate actions to resize heap, cloud hosting platforms (AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud) or on-prem targets (such as VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V) that host the Virtual Machines must be included as targets in Turbonomic.