Container image repository

The node to which Kubeturbo deploys must have internet access to pull the Kubeturbo container images from IBM Container Registry. You can configure a private repository if you prefer to pull from this repository.

Kubeturbo container images

Turbonomic gathers information from your clusters through the Kubeturbo container images that are available through a public repository in IBM Container Registry (

The following list describes the different Kubeturbo container images.

  • Container image for Kubeturbo

    This is the primary image and is pulled from<version>.

  • Container image for the CPU frequency getter job

    The cpufreqgetter image (also known as BusyBox) runs a job on every node to collect CPU speed. This image is pulled from

    For more information about the parameters associated with this job, see this topic.

  • (Operator method only) Container image for kubeturbo-operator

    This image is pulled for<version>

Working with a private repository

You can configure a private repository to store the Kubeturbo images in your environment. The steps for configuring a private repository are described in the respective deployment topics.

If you are using a private repository, be aware that IBM Container Registry provides multi-architecture container images. Your private repository needs to support loading these images. For example, multi-architecture container images are supported in Artifactory version 7.2+, but not in Artifactory version 6. Optionally, pull only the architecture version that you need. Specify the --platform parameter with docker pull and use docker inspect to confirm the architecture.

docker pull --platform linux/arm64
docker inspect 49a61c21c3a1 | grep architecture
                "architecture": "aarch64",