You can configure automation policies in Turbonomic to send data through webhooks to external API servers. A webhook is an automated message that Turbonomic can use to send data to external applications.
You can use webhooks for many different tasks, including the following examples:
Send notifications to collaboration platforms such as Slack
Integrate Turbonomic with workflow management systems
Override Turbonomic actions with your own logic
The webhook implementation supports HTTP/S messaging.
To set up a webhook, complete the following steps:
Identify the application to receive the webhook.
Possible applications include collaboration platforms such as Slack, orchestration platforms such as ServiceNow, cloud provider APIs, or a custom application that responds to HTTP/S methods.
Create a webhook workflow in your Turbonomic instance.
To create a webhook, you can either use the Settings > Workflows UI wizard, or the Turbonomic Rest API. A webhook definition can include the following elements:
The URL of the webhook endpoint for the application
An HTTP/S method
A template for the webhook request body
Authentication credentials to access the application
Optionally, HTTP/S proxy server details
For information about creating a webhook workflow with the Turbonomic API, see Creating Webhook Workflows with the API.
For information about creating a webhook workflow with the Workflow wizard in the Turbonomic UI, see Creating webhook workflows with the workflow settings wizard.
Create an Automation Policy that uses the webhook workflow.
Automation Policies include automation workflow settings where you can choose to trigger one or more webhook workflows at each action stage. Turbonomic can execute a webhook on action generation, before it executes the action, instead of executing the action, and after it executes the action.
For information about creating policies that use webhook workflows for orchestration, see Automation Workflow.
When Turbonomic generates or executes the action that you identified in the policy, it sends a message to the URL that you specified in the webhook.