Container spec

A container spec is a shared definition for all ephemeral container replicas with like properties. It is a persistent entity that maintains historical data for its ephemeral containers, and all the replicas that have run in the past. Turbonomic uses historical data to make container sizing decisions. Data includes:

  • vCPU used by all container replicas

  • vCPU request capacity (if applicable)

  • vMem used by all container replicas

  • vMem request capacity (if applicable)

In the Turbonomic supply chain, the count of replicas maps to the count of container entities that a container spec encompasses.


Container spec in the supply chain
Provides: N/A
Consumes: N/A
Discovered through: Kubeturbo agent that you deployed to your cluster

Monitored resources

Turbonomic monitors the historical usage of any instance of a container running for the workload (assuming the workload name stays the same). Charts show the trend of usage even with restarts or redeployments.


Turbonomic supports the following actions:

Resize (through workload controllers)

A container spec retains the historical utilization data of ephemeral containers. Turbonomic uses this data to make resize decisions that assure optimal utilization of resources. By default, all replicas of the same container for the same workload type resize consistently.

For details, see Workload Controller Resize Actions.


For details about actions on sidecar container specs, see this topic.