Working with optimize container cluster plan results
After the plan runs, you can view the results to see how the plan settings you configured affect your environment.

General guidelines
Familiarize yourself with these common terms that appear in the plan results:
A container pod represents the compute demand from a running pod.
A node (virtualized or bare metal) is represented as a VM.
Used (or Usage) values represent actual resource consumption. For example, a node that consumes 100 MB of memory has a used value of 100 MB.
Utilization values represent used/usage values against capacity. For example, a node that consumes 100 MB of memory against a total capacity of 500 MB has a utilization value of 20%.
Optimize container cluster summary

This chart shows how your container environment and the underlying resources will change after you execute the actions that the plan recommends. The chart shows the following information:
Container pods
Count of active container pods in the plan.
Virtual machines
Count of active nodes in the plan. This chart does not count "non-participating" entities in the real-time market, such as suspended nodes.
Pod density
Average number of pods per node.
For the total number of pods against the node capacity (maximum pods per node), see the Number of Consumers data in the following charts:
Nodes (VMs) Optimized Improvements
Nodes (VMs) Comparison
Container Cluster Optimized Improvements
Container Cluster Comparison
Cluster CPU capacity
Total CPU capacity for the cluster. The 'After Plan' result indicates how much CPU capacity will result in the optimal number of nodes required to run workloads.
Cluster memory capacity
Total memory capacity for the cluster. The 'After Plan' result indicates how much memory capacity will result in the optimal number of nodes required to run workloads.
Cluster allocatable CPU
Total amount of cluster CPU available for pod requests. The 'After Plan' result indicates how much of the allocatable CPU capacity will change if you provision or suspend nodes.
Cluster allocatable memory
Total amount of cluster memory available for pod requests. The 'After Plan' result indicates how much of the allocatable memory capacity will change if you provision or suspend nodes.
Cluster CPU overcommitment
(Only for containers with CPU limits) This indicates whether the CPU limits exceed the capacity of the underlying nodes. A value greater than 100% indicates overcommitment. Turbonomic manages cluster resources by actual utilization and limit rightsizing so that you can run more workloads with less risk.
Turbonomic only calculates overcommitment in plans. The calculation can be expressed as:
Overcommitment = Sum of CPU limits for all containers / Sum of CPU capacity for all nodes
Cluster memory overcommitment
(Only for containers with memory limits) This indicates whether the memory limits exceed the capacity of the underlying nodes. A value greater than 100% indicates overcommitment. Turbonomic manages cluster resources by actual utilization and limit rightsizing so that you can run more workloads with less risk.
Turbonomic only calculates overcommitment in plans. The calculation can be expressed as:
Overcommitment = Sum of memory limits for all containers / Sum of memory capacity for all nodes
Optimize container cluster actions

This chart summarizes the actions that you need to execute to achieve the plan results. For example, you might need to resize limits and requests for containers (via the associated Workload Controllers) to address performance issues. Or, you might need to move pods from one node to another to reduce congestion.
Smarter redistribution and workload rightsizing also drive cluster optimization, resulting in the need to provision node(s) based on application demand, or to defragment node resources to enable node suspension.
Turbonomic can recommend the following actions:
Resize namespace compute resource quotas
Resize container limits and requests
Note:Executing several container resize actions can be very disruptive since pods need to restart with each resize. For replicas of the container scale group(s) related to a single Workload Controller, Turbonomic consolidates resize actions into one merged action to minimize disruptions. When a merged action has been executed (via the associated Workload Controller), all resizes for all related container specifications will be changed at the same time, and pods will restart once.
Move pods
Provision or suspend nodes
Scale volumes
For a cluster in the public cloud, Turbonomic shows the cost impact of actions on nodes and volumes, to help you track your cloud spend. Turbonomic only reports the costs attached to these actions, and does not perform cost analysis on the cluster. See the Optimized Savings and Optimized Investments charts for more information.
For an on-prem cluster, Turbonomic can also recommend the following actions:
Move VMs
Provision or suspend hosts
Provision or suspend storage
Optimized savings

For a cluster in the public cloud, Turbonomic shows the savings you would realize if you execute the actions (such as node suspension) that the plan recommends to increase infrastructure efficiency. Note that efficiency is the driver of this action, not cost. Cost information is included to help you track your cloud spend.
The chart shows total monthly savings. Click Show All to view the actions with cost savings.
Optimized investments

For a cluster in the public cloud, Turbonomic shows the costs you would incur if you execute the node and volume scaling actions that the plan recommends to address performance issues. For example, if some applications risk losing performance, Turbonomic can recommend provisioning nodes to increase capacity. This chart shows how these actions translate to an increase in expenditure. Note that performance and efficiency are the drivers of these actions, not cost. Cost information is included to help you plan for the increase in capacity.
The chart shows total monthly investments. Click Show All to view the actions that require investments.
Nodes (VMs) optimized improvements

This chart compares the following before and after the plan:
Utilization of the following for all nodes:
vMem Request
vCPU Request
Number of pods consuming resources against the maximum pod capacity for all the nodes
Nodes (VMs) comparison

This chart compares node resource utilization (one metric at a time) before and after the plan.
Namespace quotas optimized improvements

This chart shows pod utilization of resource quotas defined in namespaces. Resource quotas include:
CPU Limit Quota
Memory Limit Quota
CPU Request Quota
Memory Request Quota
For namespaces without defined quotas, utilization is 0 (zero).
With or without quotas, you can see the sum of pod limits and requests per namespace. Go to the Plan Results page, click the download button, and select Namespace. Utilization data in the downloaded file shows these limits and requests. You can also compare usage values in the Namespaces Comparison chart.
Namespaces comparison

This chart compares namespace quota usage (one metric at a time) before and after the plan.
Use this chart to see how container resizing changes the limits and requests allocated per namespace, whether you leverage quotas or not.
To achieve the 'After Plan' results, click Show All. In the Details page that opens, go to the Name column and then click the namespace link. This opens another page with a list of pending actions for the namespace.

Namespace resources comparison

This chart shows how much cluster resources per namespace are utilized by pods. Utilization can be expressed as follows:
Utilization = Sum of actual vMem/vCPU used by pods / vMem/vCPU capacity for the cluster
This information helps you understand which namespaces use the most cluster resources. You can also use it for showback analysis. vMem and vCPU utilized by pods in the namespaces would change when the number of nodes changes as a result of executing the plan actions.
This chart is especially useful if you do not have resource quotas defined in your namespaces.
Container cluster optimized improvements

This chart shows the following, assuming you execute all actions in the plan:
Changes to the utilization of cluster resources
Overcommitment values
Container cluster comparison

This chart compares the following before and after the plan:
Utilization of cluster resources (one metric at a time)
Overcommitment values
Optimized improvements for hosts, storage, and virtual machines
Use these charts if you ran the plan in an on-prem cluster. These charts show how the utilization of resources would change if you accept all of the actions listed in the Plan Actions chart.
Hosts, storage devices, and virtual machines comparison
Use these charts if you ran the plan in an on-prem cluster. These charts show how the utilization of a particular commodity (such as memory or CPU) for each entity in the plan would change if you execute the recommended actions.
For the Storage Devices Comparison chart, if you set the view to VM Per Storage and click Show all, the total number of VMs sometimes does not match the number in the Summary chart. This happens if there are VMs in the plan that use multiple storage devices. The Storage Devices Comparison chart counts those VMs multiple times, depending on the number of storage devices they use, while the Plan Summary chart shows the actual number of VMs.
Downloading plan results
To download results for nodes, namespaces, or the cluster, click the download button on the Plan Results page.

You can also download the plan results shown in individual charts. Click the Show All button for a chart, and then the download button on the Details page.

For charts that display infinite capacities (for example, the Namespaces Comparison chart), the downloaded file shows an unusually high value, such as 1,000,000,000 cores, instead of the ∞ symbol.
Re-running the plan
You can run the plan again with the same or a different set of configuration settings. This runs the plan scenario against the market in its current state, so the results you see might be different, even if you did not change the configuration settings.
Use the toolbar for the Configuration section to change the configuration settings.
It is not possible to change the scope of the plan in the Plan Page. You must start over if you want a different scope. To start over, click the More options icon (), and then select New Plan.
When you are ready to re-run the plan, click Run Again.