Working with custom plan results
After the plan runs, you can view the results to see how the plan settings you configured affect your environment.

Viewing the results
The results include the following charts:
Plan summary chart
This chart compares your current resources to the resources you would get after executing the plan.
Under some circumstances, this chart might not count "non-participating" entities in the real-time market, such as suspended VMs or hosts in a failover state. The following charts, on the other hand, count all entities in the real-time market, regardless of state:
Scope Preview chart (displays before you run the plan)
Optimized Improvements and Comparison charts
If the plan's scope includes VMs that cannot be placed, the results include a notification indicating the number of VMs. Click Show Details to see the list of VMs and the reasons for their non-placement.
Click Show all at the bottom of the chart to see savings or investment costs, or to download the chart as a CSV file.
Plan actions chart
This chart summarizes the actions that you need to execute to achieve the plan results. For example, if you run an Alleviate Pressure plan, you can see actions to move workloads from the hot cluster over to the cold cluster. If some VMs are overprovisioned, you might see actions to reduce the capacity for those workloads.
The text chart groups actions by action type. The list chart shows a partial list of actions.

To view action details or download the list of actions as a CSV file:
Click an action type in the text chart or an individual action in the list chart.
Click Show All.
Optimized improvements charts for hosts, storage, and virtual machines
The Optimized Improvements chart shows how the utilization of resources would change assuming you accept all of the actions listed in the Plan Actions chart.

In many of these charts, you can change the commodities on display. To do this, click the More options icon (
) and then select Edit. In the new screen that displays, go to the Commodity section and then add or remove commodities.
Click Show all to see a breakdown of the current chart data by entity (for example, show CPU, Memory, and IO Throughput utilization for each host), or to download chart data as a CSV file.
Comparison charts for hosts, storage devices, and virtual machines
A Comparison chart shows how the utilization of a particular commodity (such as memory or CPU) for each entity in the plan would change if you execute the actions listed in the Plan Actions chart.

To change the commodity displayed in the chart, go to the chart and then select from the list of commodities.
To restore the default commodity, click the More options icon (
), and then select Reset view.
Click Show all at the bottom of the chart to show a breakdown of the current chart data by entity (for example, show Virtual Memory utilization for each virtual machine), or to download the chart as a CSV file.
For the Storage Devices Comparison chart, if you set the view to VM Per Storage and click Show all, the total number of VMs sometimes does not match the number in the Plan Summary chart. This happens if there are VMs in the plan that use multiple storage devices. The Storage Devices Comparison chart counts those VMs multiple times, depending on the number of storage devices they use, while the Plan Summary chart shows the actual number of VMs.
Re-running the plan
You can run the plan again with the same or a different set of configuration settings. This runs the plan scenario against the market in its current state, so the results you see might be different, even if you did not change the configuration settings.
Use the toolbar for the Configuration section to change the configuration settings.

For details about these settings, see Configuring a Custom Plan.
It is not possible to change the scope of the plan in the Plan Page. You must start over if you want a different scope. To start over, click the More options icon (), and then select New Plan.
When you are ready to re-run the plan, click Run Again.