Versioning explanation

Turbonomic versioning uses V-R-M elements (Version, Release, Modification) in the version number to express the status of a release.

Numbered element Example Description
V - Version number 8.X.X
  • Changes to platform architecture or significant changes to data models

R - Release number X.2.X
  • Major feature changes

M - Modification number is 0 (zero) X.X.0
  • A quarterly release

  • All Private Preview features from previous bi-weekly releases are now GA

  • No new Private Preview features in this release

M - Modification number is greater than zero (1 or higher) X.X.3
  • A bi-weekly release

  • Can include new Private Preview features

  • Includes fixed issues


For API developers, the X.X.1 release can include final implementations of deprecated API features. These final implementations can make API changes that are not compatible with an earlier version.