Feature updates and notices

Frequent changes to the product or third-party targets require that some features are updated, deprecated, removed, or no longer supported. See the following sections for more information about these features.


The updates that are listed here will be made in the noted version. Consider the details and recommended actions that are provided.

Feature Status Details and recommended action
Buy RI actions Disabled in version 8.14.5

Buy RI actions are disabled in the real-time market and are no longer displayed in the Action Center. These actions will be reintroduced in a future release along with improvements to the existing analysis.

You can run Buy VM Reservations plans to view new Buy RI actions.

Prometheus target Updated in 8.12.4 Starting in version 8.12.4, new deployments of Prometurbo automatically add Prometheus targets to the Observability category.

Prometurbo deployments before version 8.12.4 automatically added Data Ingestion Framework (Prometheus) targets to the Custom category. After you update to version 8.12.4 or later, existing Data Ingestion Framework (Prometheus) targets are cloned and the clones are then added to the Observability category. The original targets remain in the Custom category but are now undiscoverable. Remove them immediately to clean up your targets list and avoid seeing target discovery failures.

Pure Storage targets running Purity 6.4.4 (Pure API 1.6) Added to version 8.12.2 Turbonomic now supports Pure Storage targets running Purity 6.4.4 (Pure API 1.6).
Memory setting in host templates Updated in version 8.11.4 Turbonomic now uses GB as the primary unit for setting the Memory capacity for host templates. Also, the Memory default value is now 1024 GB.
Microsoft Hyper-V 2022 and Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2022 Added to version 8.10.1 Turbonomic now supports Microsoft Hyper-V 2022 and Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2022 targets.
MySQL 8.0 Added to version 8.10.1 Turbonomic now supports MySQL 8.0 as an optional alternative database server for MariaDB for running Turbonomic.
Legacy savings and investments charts Added to version 8.9.5 When the enhanced savings and investments charts were released in version 8.9.3, the documentation stated that legacy savings and investments data is not available in the enhanced charts, but can be extracted from the platform by using a script.

Starting in version 8.9.5, legacy data is available in the legacy savings and investments charts. The charts are titled 'Legacy' so you can distinguish them from the enhanced charts.

Sustainability features Documentation updated in version 8.9.4 When the first set of sustainability features were released in version 8.9.2, the documentation incorrectly listed three targets that fully support these features – HPE OneView, Cisco UCS Manager, and VMware vCenter.

Currently, only VMware vCenter fully supports these features. The documentation has been updated accordingly.

Azure permissions Updated in version 8.9.1 Permissions were updated to more accurately reflect the minimum permissions for discovering workloads and executing actions. For example, permissions with wildcards (*) were replaced with the exact permissions.

For details, see Azure Permissions.

Rate of Resize setting in on-prem VM policies Updated in version 8.9.1 The Rate of Resize default value has changed from 2 to 3.

If you have changed your default setting to 1 or want to keep the current default setting of 2, create a new policy that is scoped to all on-prem VMs and configure the Rate of Resize to your wanted setting.


Features are labeled based on the following definitions:

  • Deprecated – The feature is still supported but no longer developed or enhanced. The feature is not recommended for use and might become obsolete. IBM might remove it in a subsequent release of the product.

  • Removed – The feature is no longer available in the product.

  • Unsupported – The feature is no longer supported in the product.


    When a specific release or version of an integration partner technology reaches end-of-life (EOL) or its end of support date, Turbonomic no longer provides support for that version. Turbonomic follows integration partners' official EOL timeline for version support. Targeting a unsupported version, or one that is no longer supported by the vendor, is at your own risk.

The changes that are listed here will be made in the noted version. Consider the details and recommended actions that are provided.

Feature Status Details and recommended action
Azure Av1-series virtual machines Deprecated in version 8.14.4 Microsoft has retired the Azure Av1-series virtual machines. For more information, see the Azure documentation.

When you view the VM Policy page in the Turbonomic user interface and click Cloud Instance Types for Scaling, the category for Azure Av1-series displays "Retired".

Various charts Deprecated in version 8.14.4 The following charts are deprecated and will be removed from the product in a future release. Delete these charts from any custom dashboard and use the replacement charts if applicable.
  • Cost breakdown by tags

    This chart is replaced by the Cost breakdown chart.

  • Legacy savings / Legacy investments

    These charts show savings and investments before version 8.9.3. The method for tracking savings and investments was enhanced in version 8.9.3, and data from this enhanced tracking is available in the Savings and Investments charts.

  • Location

    This chart shows the cloud regions discovered in your environment. The same information is available in Search when you click Regions.

  • Volume summary

    This chart is replaced by the Entity breakdown chart.

UCS Director target Removed in version 8.14.2 The UCS Director target was removed in version 8.14.2 and is no longer supported.

After updating to version 8.14.2, delete any existing UCS Director target from the Target Configuration page by selecting the target in the list and then clicking Delete.

It is recommended that you delete the ucsdirector and mediation-ucsdirector sections in the Turbonomic Custom Resource (CR) file. For details, see (Optional) Enabling and Disabling Probe Components.

New Relic REST API key and GraphQL API key Removed in version 8.13.1 The fields are replaced by the User Key field on the New Relic target configuration page.
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target Removed in version 8.13.1 Microsoft has retired the Azure Enterprise Reporting APIs that the target uses to discover billing data. For more information, see the Azure documentation.

If you added a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target, remove it from the user interface immediately and then add an Azure Billing target.

For more information, see Notice: Microsoft Enterprise Agreement.

CentOS Linux 7 based virtual machine images (OVA and VHD) Unsupported CentOS Linux reached end-of-life on June 30, 2024 and is no longer supported.

For details, see What to know about CentOS Linux EOL.

Starting with version 8.12.2, Turbonomic virtual machine images are based on Rocky Linux.

For more information about migrating from CentOS to Rocky Linux based images, see the following topics:

Recommended RI Purchases chart Removed from the cloud dashboard in version 8.12.3 Use the Potential Savings chart to view 'Buy RI' actions for your cloud workloads.

The Recommended RI Purchases chart remains in plan results.

Red Hat OpenShift 3.11 Deprecated in 8.11.3 Red Hat OpenShift 3.11 reached End of Life in June 2022 and End of Extended Life in July 2024. It is no longer supported by Red Hat. As such, it will not receive any new bug fixes or security fixes. For details about the deprecation, see this Red Hat page.

Turbonomic supports Red Hat OpenShift 4.x.

Application Insights target

Removed in version 8.11.1

The Application Insights target was deprecated in version 8.10.3 and removed from Turbonomic in version 8.11.1.

After upgrading to version 8.11.1, delete any existing Application Insights targets from the Target Configuration page by selecting the target in the list and then clicking Delete.

It is recommended that you delete the appinsights and mediation-appinsights sections in the Turbonomic Custom Resource (CR) file. For details, see (Optional) Enabling and Disabling Probe Components.

MySQL 5.7 Unsupported since version 8.10.4 MySQL version 5.7 reached EOL on October 21, 2023 and is no longer supported. For details, see EOL MySQL. Because it is no longer supported, references to MySQL 5.7 were removed from the documentation in version 8.10.4.

Turbonomic supports MySQL 8.0 as an optional alternative database server for MariaDB for running Turbonomic.

Azure unmanaged volumes No longer discovered or monitored, if unattached Microsoft deprecated Azure unmanaged volumes (disks). In response, Turbonomic no longer discovers or monitors unmanaged volumes that are not attached to any VM.

Turbonomic continues to discover and monitor unmanaged volumes that are attached to VMs, to establish their relationship with VMs in the supply chain. Turbonomic does not recommend actions for these volumes.

SAAS deploymentMode Removed in version 8.9.7 Use the "HYBRID_SAAS" deploymentMode instead. For details, see ProductCapabilityDTO.
Use hypervisor VMEM for Resize setting in on-prem VM policies Removed in version 8.9.4 This setting is replaced by the Collect Virtual Machine Metrics option in the target configuration pages for APM targets.
MySQL 5.6 Removed in version 8.9.0 MySQL version 5.6 reached EOL on February 5, 2021. Because it is no longer supported, references to MySQL 5.6 were removed from the documentation in version 8.9.0.

For details, see EOL MySQL.

Billing breakdown and Estimated cost breakdown charts Removed in version 8.9.1 The charts are removed from the product and can no longer be added to dashboards.

If you added these charts to your dashboards, delete them immediately and start using the replacement chart, Workload Cost Breakdown.

VMware vCenter versions 6.0, 6.5, and 6.7 Unsupported since version 8.8.3 Update your VMware vCenter version to 7.0 or 8.0, which are fully supported.