Updating the Kubeturbo role through Helm
Update the role if you deployed Kubeturbo with a specific role and
now want to use a different role. For example, you may want to change the role from
to turbo-cluster-admin
to execute
actions in Turbonomic.
Delete the Cluster Role Binding (CRB) that starts with the naming convention
.For example, to delete
, run the following command:kubectl delete clusterrolebinding turbo-all-binding-kubeturbo-turbo
Re-clone the Kubeturbo repository to your local environment. The deployment will not work if you do not re-clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/turbonomic/kubeturbo.git
Update the Kubeturbo deployment.
Option 1: Change to the default role
By default, Kubeturbo deploys to your cluster with the
role. This role has full control over every resource in the cluster.If you want to use the default role, run the following command. This command does not explicitly specify a role parameter, which means that the default role will be used.
helm upgrade kubeturbo kubeturbo/deploy/kubeturbo \ --namespace turbo \ --set serverMeta.turboServer={your_instance_address} \ --set serverMeta.version={your_instance_version} \ --set image.tag={your_image_tag_version} \ --set targetConfig.targetName={your_cluster_name}
Option 2: Change to the
custom roleThis custom role specifies the minimum permissions that Kubeturbo needs to monitor your workloads and execute the actions that Turbonomic generated to optimize these workloads.
If you want to use this role, specify the role parameter, as shown in the last line of the following command.
helm upgrade kubeturbo kubeturbo/deploy/kubeturbo \ --namespace turbo \ --set serverMeta.turboServer={your_instance_address} \ --set serverMeta.version={your_instance_version} \ --set image.tag={your_image_tag_version} \ --set targetConfig.targetName={your_cluster_name} \ --set roleName=turbo-cluster-admin
Option 3: Change to the
custom roleThis custom role is the least privileged role. It specifies the minimum permissions that Kubeturbo needs to monitor your workloads. Actions that Turbonomic generated to optimize these workloads can only be executed outside of Turbonomic (for example, in your cluster).
If you want to use this role, specify the role parameter, as shown in the last line of the following command.
helm upgrade kubeturbo kubeturbo/deploy/kubeturbo \ --namespace turbo \ --set serverMeta.turboServer={your_instance_address} \ --set serverMeta.version={your_instance_version} \ --set image.tag={your_image_tag_version} \ --set targetConfig.targetName={your_cluster_name} \ --set roleName=turbo-cluster-reader
Verify that the Kubeturbo pod restarted and has been updated with the new values.