Dynatrace custom calculated service metrics

Dynatrace collects important metrics for services with no additional configurations. However, you might need more business or technical metrics that are specific to your application. These metrics can be calculated and derived based on the captured metric data with Dynatrace.

For Turbonomic to discover Dynatrace application component level metrics (such as Response Time and Transaction), you must configure custom calculated service metrics in Dynatrace.


Custom calculated service metrics use Dynatrace DDU (Davis data units).

Creating an auto tag for service entity types

Before you can create custom calculated metrics, you must first create an auto tag for the service entity types.

Dynatrace Service entities are tagged with service-autotag:service.custom.tag after you create the auto tag.

  1. Log in to your Dynatrace account.

  2. Select Settings > Tags > Automatically applied tags.

  3. Click Create tag.

    Specify the following properties for the tag:

    • Tag name - service-autotag

  4. Click Add a new rule.

    Specify the following properties for the rule:

    • Optional tag value - service.custom.tag

    • Value Normalization - Leave text as-is

    • Rule type - Entity selector

    • Entity selector - type(SERVICE)

  5. Click Save Changes.

    The tag now appears in the Settings > Tags > Automatically applied tags view.

  6. Verify that the tag was created.

    • Select any Dynatrace Service.

    • In the Properties and tags section, verify that the new tag service-autotag:service.custom.tag is listed under Tags.

Creating calculated service metrics for response time


Custom calculated service metrics use Dynatrace DDU (Davis data units).

Follow the steps to create the custom service metric app.responsetime to track Response time. The dimension {Service:Instance} named service-instance splits the values of this metric.

  1. Log in to your Dynatrace account.

  2. Select Settings > Server-side service monitoring > Calculated service metrics.

  3. Click Create new metric.

    Specify the following properties for the metric:

    • Metric name - app.responsetime

    • Metric source - Response time

  4. In the Conditions section, click Add Condition.

    Specify the following properties for the condition:

    Service tag equals service-autotag service.custom.tag
  5. Click Add.

    The selected services display in the Preview section.

  6. Turn on the Split by dimension toggle to add dimensions for the metric.

    Specify the following properties:

    • Dimension value pattern - {Service:Instance}

    • Dimension name - service-instance

  7. Click Save Metric.

    The metric now appears in the Settings > Server-side service monitoring > Calculated service metrics view.

Creating calculated service metrics for request count


Custom calculated service metrics use Dynatrace DDU (Davis data units).

Follow the steps to create the custom service metric app.requestcount to track Request count. The dimension {Service:Instance} named service-instance splits the values of this metric.

  1. Log in to your Dynatrace account.

  2. Select Settings > Server-side service monitoring > Calculated service metrics.

  3. Click Create new metric.

    Specify the following properties for the metric:

    • Metric name - app.requestcount

    • Metric source - Request count

  4. In the Conditions section, click Add Condition.

    Specify the following properties for the condition:

    Service tag equals service-autotag service.custom.tag
  5. Click Add.

    The selected services display in the Preview section.

  6. Turn on the Split by dimension toggle to add dimensions for the new metric.

    Specify the following properties:

    • Dimension value pattern - {Service:Instance}

    • Dimension name - service-instance

  7. Click Save Metric.

    The metric now appears in the Settings > Server-side service monitoring > Calculated service metrics view.