On-Prem CPU ready dashboard

The On-Prem CPU Ready Dashboard shows the Host Clusters, Hosts, and VMs with the highest CPU Ready values. Reviewing the charts in this dashboard can help you tune your CPU Ready settings for the specific workloads that are running in your environment. It includes insights into the following details:
Host CPU Ready Utilization
The CPU Ready chart widget shows the overall average utilization of CPU Ready for all hosts that are discovered by vCenter targets in your environment.
The Top Hosts chart widget shows the hosts with the highest CPU Ready in your environment.
The Top Host Clusters, BY UTILIZATION chart widget shows the host clusters with the highest CPU Ready in your environment.
Virtual Machine CPU Ready Utilization
The Top Virtual Machines chart widget shows the virtual machines with the highest CPU Ready in your environment.
Effects of Actions on CPU Ready
- The Hosts Optimized Improvements chart widget shows a comparison of the CPU Ready peaks for hosts in your environment before and after actions are executed.
For more information about CPU Ready, see CPU ready chart.