Private cloud targets

A private cloud manages resources in pools to support multi-tenancy and self-service provisioning of virtual workloads. Turbonomic manages these resource pools in real time as demand fluctuates. This includes demand across resource pools, virtual datacenters (VDCs), and tenants.

Adding a Private Cloud target to Turbonomic aids in the goal of Application Resource Management (ARM) by preventing bottlenecks within and between your managed entities, resizing virtual machines and containers, prioritizing managed workloads, and reducing storage latency throughout your private cloud, ensuring that applications running in your private cloud always have the resources they need to perform, when they need to perform.

On the private cloud, you can use Turbonomic to:

  • Set up charge-back and show-back for private cloud or service-provider scenarios

  • For service-providers, set up scoped views to limit exposure to the customer base

  • Plan hardware requirements — the planning scenarios takes cloud architectures into account

Supply chain

For private clouds, Turbonomic discovers resource partitions that are managed by the cloud manager, the workloads running on these partitions (the VMs and applications), and the supply that hosts workload (the physical machines and storage). Turbonomic represents these partitions as the following types of Virtual Datacenters (VDCs):

  • Provider VDC: A collection of physical resources (PMs and datastores) within a private cloud. The cloud administrator has access to these resources, and defines the datacenter members. Administrators allocate Provider VDCs to manage resources that will be allocated to external customers through one or more Consumer VDCs.
  • Consumer VDC: A collection of resources that are available for customers to perform self-service management of workload through the cloud. It is an environment customers can use to store, deploy, and operate virtual systems. Consumer VDCs use the resources supplied by a Provider VDC.

Different targets use different names to refer to virtual data centers. In the Turbonomic supply chain, these entities are all represented by Consumer and Provider VDCs, as follows:

Turbonomic vCenter Server VMM

Consumer VDC

Resource Pool (Child)

Tenant or TenantQuota

Provider VDC

Resource Pool (Root)
