Turbonomic installation on a Google Cloud GKE cluster
This topic provides an overview of the tasks that you need to perform to install Turbonomic successfully on a Google Cloud GKE cluster. Turbonomic can be installed on any supported versions of GKE. For more information about supported versions, see Google Cloud documentation.
Review the general installation requirements.
To install Turbonomic to your cluster, your environment must meet certain requirements.
For more information, see GKE requirements.
Install Turbonomic.
Turbonomic installation resources, such as the platform operator, custom resources (CRs), and custom resource definitions (CRD), are available for download from the IBM GitHub repository. The installation topic for Google GKE describes these resources and how to deploy them as part of the installation.
To view IBM GitHub repository, see https://github.com/IBM/t8c-operator/tree/main/deploy
For more information, see Installing Turbonomic on a Google Cloud GKE cluster.