Cloud VM uptime

For cloud VMs, Turbonomic includes uptime data in its cost calculations. This is especially important for VMs that do not run 24/7 and are charged on-demand rates. With uptime data, Turbonomic can calculate costs more accurately based on the amount of time a VM has been running.

The Action Details page shows uptime data for these VMs. Turbonomic calculates uptime based on the VM's age.


If you added an AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Billing target to Turbonomic, uptime is retrieved directly from your billing data.

Action Details page

Key concepts

  • Uptime

    A percentage value that indicates how long a VM has been running over a period of time (age)

  • Age

    The number of days that a VM has existed since first discovery. For VMs older than 30 days, Turbonomic displays a value of 30+ days, but only calculates uptime over the last 30 days.

For newly discovered VMs, age is 0 (zero) on the day of discovery. If the VM is running at the time of discovery, uptime is 100%. Otherwise, uptime is 0% and remains unchanged until the VM is powered on. Turbonomic recalculates uptime every hour and then refreshes the data shown in the user interface.


  • A VM that was first discovered 5 days (or 120 hours) ago and has been running for a total of 60 hours during that period has a current uptime value of 50%.

  • A VM that was first discovered 2 months ago and has been running for a total of 180 hours over the last 30 days (or 720 hours) has a current uptime value of 25%.

Cost calculations using uptime data

Turbonomic uses uptime data to calculate estimated on-demand costs for your cloud VMs. For details about calculations, see Estimated On-demand Monthly Costs for Cloud VMs.

Uptime data impacts cost calculations, but not the actual scaling decisions that Turbonomic makes. These decisions rely on other factors, such as resource utilization percentiles and scaling constraints set in policies.

Uptime data in charts

Turbonomic recalculates uptime data every hour and then updates the values shown in charts. The following charts reflect the cost impact of uptime-based calculations:

  • Potential Savings and Necessary Investment charts

    The projected amounts in these charts include on-demand costs for cloud VMs.

    Necessary Investments and Potential Savings ring charts

    When you click Show All in these charts and view details for a pending VM action, the Action Details page shows on-demand costs before and after you execute the action, factoring in the VM's uptime value. The page also shows the VM's age.

    Action Details page
  • Workload Cost Breakdown chart

    This chart shows estimated costs over time, including on-demand costs for VMs.

    Workload Cost Breakdown chart
  • The Entity Information chart shows the latest uptime and age data for a specific cloud VM.

    Entity Information chart