Turbonomic as a business application

The supply chain models Turbonomic as a Business Application. When you scope to the Turbonomic entity, you can see the Business Transactions, Services, and Application Components that make up the product, the underlying nodes (such as the product's VM and database server), as well as performance metrics.


After deploying Turbonomic, it might take at least ten minutes before it appears in the supply chain as a Business Application.

Turbonomic as a Business Application in the Supply Chain

Key Business Transactions, Services, and Application Components work together to:

  • Analyze your environment continuously

  • Recommend actions to assure performance and reduce cloud costs

  • Keep the supply chain up-to-date

  • Run plans against the current environment

The Pending Actions chart at every level of the application model shows actions for the underlying Application Components and nodes, thus providing visibility into the risks that have a direct impact on the product's performance.