Action details- host suspend impact on energy usage and carbon footprint

Turbonomic shows the projected change in energy usage and carbon footprint in the action details for host suspend actions. This information can help you identify which hosts with executable suspend actions are energy inefficient and therefore the best candidates for suspension.

Carbon footprint and energy action details

In Action Center, when you click the Details button for a host suspend action, the Action Details page includes a Host Stats section that shows the current energy usage and carbon footprint of the host and any VMs running on that host. If no VMs are running on the host and you execute the host suspend action, these values become 0. Therefore, these values also reflect the projected reductions in energy usage and carbon footprint that the host suspend action creates.

However, if the host still has running VMs when Turbonomic generates the host suspend action, Turbonomic also generates actions to move those VMs to other hosts. The host suspend action is blocked until all VM move actions for the host are complete. In this case, the values reflect the combined carbon footprint and combined energy usage of the host and all VMs that are running on that host. To understand the projected reductions, you must first move all the running VMs off of the host. The updated values then reflect the potential reductions in energy usage and carbon footprint from suspending the host.

For more information about these values, see Carbon Footprint Calculation and Calculation of Energy Consumed by VMs.