Entity breakdown charts

Entity breakdown charts show the entities that Turbonomic discovers according to the scope and entity type that you selected. For each entity type, you can use a Group By option to break down the discovered entities by state or tier.

For example, if you select a region as your scope, Virtual Machine as the entity type, and State as the Group By option, the chart shows the virtual machines discovered in the region and the number of virtual machines that are active and idle.

Scopes and entity types

The chart supports the following scopes and entity types:

Scope Entity type
Database Database
Database server Database server
Region All available entity types
Resource group (Azure only) Virtual machine, virtual machine specs
Virtual machine Virtual machine, virtual machine specs
Auto-generated groups All available entity types

Chart type

You can set the display to:

  • Ring Chart

  • Horizontal Bar

  • Tabular

Group by

The following options are supported:

  • Tier - Break down entities by cloud tier.

  • State - Break down entities by operational state.