Database statistics
- Connection
Connection is the measurement of database connections utilized by applications.
- costPrice
CostPrice is the on-demand monthly cost of an entity.
DTU is the measurement of compute capacity for the database. DTU represents CPU, memory, and IOPS/IO Throughput bundled as a single commodity.
DWU (Data Warehousing Unit) is the measurement of compute capacity for the dedicated SQL pool. DWU represents CPU, memory, and IO Throughput bundled as a single commodity.
- IOThroughput
I/O throughput is the measurement of an entity's throughput to the underlying storage.
- LicenseAccess
Not implemented
- Produces
Not implemented
- RU
Request unit (RU) is a performance currency that abstracts CPU, IOPS, and memory that are required to perform the database operations supported by Azure Cosmos DB. Azure Cosmos DB normalizes the cost of all database operations using RUs.
- StorageAccess
Storage access, also known as IOPS, is the per-second measurement of read and write access operations on a storage entity.
- StorageAmount
Storage amount is the measurement of storage capacity that is in use.
Virtual CPU is the measurement of CPU that is in use.
- VMem
Virtual memory (vMem) is the measurement of memory that is in use.