Model to describe a What-If Scenario, composed by a list of changes
Optional Parameters
- uuid
type: string
- displayName
type: string
description: A user readable name of the api object. Cannot be blank. The UTF-8 encoding must be at most 255 bytes.
- className
type: string
- owners
type: array
description: Users that owns the scenario
reference: UserApiDTO
- type
type: string
description: Type of the scenario
- scope
type: array
description: List of entities/group that define the Scope
reference: BaseApiDTO
- projectionDays
type: array
description: List of days that define when the scenario should run
type: integer
format: int32
- topologyChanges
description: Changes to apply to the topology of the plan market
reference: TopologyChangesApiDTO
- loadChanges
description: Workload utilization changes in the scenario
reference: LoadChangesApiDTO
- configChanges
description: Configuration changes in the scenario
reference: ConfigChangesApiDTO
- timebasedTopologyChanges
reference: TimeBasedTopologyChangesApiDTO