Navigating with the supply chain
After you have set the scope of your Turbonomic session, you can use the supply chain to change the focus of the main view, and see details about different types of entities within the current scope.
Drilling down in a scoped session
When you set a scope to your Turbonomic session, the Home Page shows information about your environment, including:
Charts and lists to give you an overview of your environment for the current scope. This overview corresponds to all the entities in scope.
Details - Charts that give you a more detailed look at your environment for the given scope
Policies - Any policies that are defined for the entities in the current scope
Entity Lists - Details about the entities in the current scope
Pending Actions - Actions that are pending for any entities in the current scope
The supply chain shows the currently selected tier of entities. The change the focus of the scoped view, select different tiers in the supply chain. The Policies, Entities List, and Pending Actions tabs update to focus on the tier you selected. These tabs show information for all the entities of that type that are in the current scope. For example, if you click the Host tier, these tabs update to show information about the hosts in your current scope.
To zoom in on a specific entity, you can click its name in the Entities List. This sets the scope to that specific entity. To return to the previous scope, use the browser's Back button.