Updating the Kubeturbo role through OperatorHub

Update the role if you deployed Kubeturbo with a specific role and now want to use a different role. For example, you may want to change the role from turbo-cluster-reader to turbo-cluster-admin to execute actions in Turbonomic.

Updating the role

  1. In the Kubeturbo Operator page, open the Kubeturbo operator tab.

  2. Select your Kubeturbo deployment. For example, select kubeturbo-release.

  3. Select YAML view.

  4. Update the role for Kubeturbo.

    • Change to the default cluster-admin role

      To change to this role, delete the existing role. When this field is left empty, Kubeturbo will automatically switch to the default cluster-admin.

    • Change to the turbo-cluster-admin role

      This custom role specifies the minimum permissions that Kubeturbo needs to monitor your workloads and execute the actions that Turbonomic generated to optimize these workloads.

        roleName: turbo-cluster-admin
    • Change to the turbo-cluster-reader role

      This custom role is the least privileged role. It specifies the minimum permissions that Kubeturbo needs to monitor your workloads. Actions that Turbonomic generated to optimize these workloads can only be executed outside of Turbonomic (for example, in your cluster).

        roleName: turbo-cluster-reader
  5. Save your changes.

Deleting the existing CRB for Kubeturbo

  1. Navigate to User Management > RoleBindings.

  2. Search for turbo-all-binding-kubeturbo-release.

  3. Click the three dots icon for the CRB and then select Delete ClusterRoleBinding.

The operator automatically creates the CRB based on the new role that you configured.