
Turbonomic represents storage as Datastores. A Datastore is a logical grouping of one or more physical storage devices that serve workload storage requirements.


Storage in the Supply Chain

A Datastore gains its budget by selling resources to the VMs it serves. If utilization of a Datastore is high enough, Turbonomic can recommend that you provision a new one.

Provides: Host resources for VMs to use, including:
  • Storage Amount

  • IOPS

  • Latency

Consumes: Disk arrays (or aggregates)
Discovered through: Hypervisor and Storage Controller targets

Monitored resources

Turbonomic monitors the following resources:

  • Storage amount

    Storage amount is the measurement of storage capacity that is in use.

  • Storage provisioned

    Storage provisioned is the utilization of the entity's capacity, including overprovisioning.

  • Storage access (IOPS)

    Storage access, also known as IOPS, is the per-second measurement of read and write access operations on a storage entity.


    When it generates actions, Turbonomic does not consider IOPS throttling that it discovers on storage entities. Analysis uses the IOPS it discovers on Logical Pool or Disk Array entities.

  • Latency

    Latency is the measurement of storage latency.

Storage actions

Turbonomic supports the following actions:

  • Move

    For high utilization of physical storage, move datastore to a different disk array (aggregate).

  • Provision

    For high utilization of storage resources, provision a new datastore.

  • Resize

    Increase or decrease the datastore capacity.

  • Start

    For high utilization of storage resources, start a suspended datastore.

  • Suspend

    For low utilization of storage resources, move served VMs to other datastores and suspend this one.

  • Delete (datastore or volume)

    Delete a datastore or volume that has been suspended for a period of time.

  • Delete (unattached files)

    Delete a file on a datastore that has not been accessed or modified for a period of time.

Storage resize actions use Turbonomic tuned scaling settings. This gives you increased control over the action acceptance mode Turbonomic will use for the affected actions. For an overview of tuned scaling, see Tuned Scaling for On-prem VMs.

You can create placement policies to enforce constraints for storage move actions. For example, you can have a policy that allows storage to only move to certain disk arrays, or a policy that prevents storage from moving to certain disk arrays.

For more information, see Creating Placement Policies.