Model to describe a historical utilization statistic, e.g. the P95 vCPU or P95 vMEM of a VM over (up to) NN days observation period.
Optional Parameters
- type
type: string
description: Historical utilization type
- usage
type: number
format: float
description: Historical usage
- capacity
type: number
format: float
description: Historical capacity
- resizeMaxScalingObservationPeriod
type: number
format: float
description: Resize max scaling observation period. Affects on amount of data points considered for action generation process. Value in days.
- resizeScalingAggressiveness
type: number
format: float
description: Resize scaling aggressiveness. Describes how aggressively Turbonomic will resize in response of resource utilization. Value in percents. 100% least aggressive, 95% most aggressive.