
JSON Object Description Type MapKeyType Reference
buyRiInfo For an action to buy RIs, additional information about the RIs. /shared/BuyRiInfo   BuyRiInfo
deleteInfo For an action to delete a file, a description of that file. /shared/DeleteInfo   DeleteInfo
moveInfo For a move action, a description of from and to for the move. /shared/MoveChange /enums/entity_type MoveChange
resizeInfo For a resize action, a description of the commodity changes. /shared/CommodityChange /enums/metric_type CommodityChange
scaleInfo For scaling a cloud VM, a description of the from and to for the VM move. /shared/MoveChange /enums/entity_type MoveChange
target Extra information about the entity this action impacts. /shared/ActionImpactedEntity   ActionImpactedEntity