Required Parameters
- clusterName
type: string
example: dev-ocp
description: Name of container platform cluster. Will show up as Target Name in the target page.
- deployThroughTSC
type: boolean
description: Determines whether to deploy kubeturbo through TSC
- targetSubtype
type: string
example: RedHatOpenShift
description: Target subtype
Optional Parameters
- namespace
type: string
example: turbo
description: Namespace where kubeturbo will be deployed
- permission
type: string
description: Permission for kubeturbo deployed in a cluster
- privateRegistry
type: string
example: icr.io/cpopen/turbonomic/kubeturbo
description: Private image registry for kubeturbo
- privateRegistryUsername
type: string
example: username
description: Private image registry username for kubeturbo
- privateRegistryPassword
type: string
example: password
description: Private image registry password for kubeturbo
- proxyServerURL
type: string
example: http://proxyserver:proxyport
description: Proxy server address
- serverURL
type: string
example: https://Turbo_server_URL
description: Turbo server address
- serverVersion
type: string
example: 8.13.5
description: Turbo server version
- oauthClientID
type: string
description: OAuth client ID
- oauthSecret
type: string
description: OAuth client secret
- tscToken
type: string
description: TSC Token