Policy schedules

You can set a schedule for an automation policy, which sets a window of time when the policy takes effect. For example, you can modify the operational or scaling Constraints for a given period of time. These settings affect Turbonomic analysis, and the actions that the platform generates. You can set up scheduled times when you want to change those settings.

Remember that for user-defined automation policies, it is possible that one entity can be in two different scopes. This means that the entity can be under the effect of two different policies. For this reason, user-defined policies keep the rule, the most conservative setting wins. However, a more aggressive user-defined policy takes precedence over the corresponding default automation policy.

You must consider these rules when you add schedules to policies. If the more conservative settings are in a default automation policy, then the scheduled change takes effect. However, if the more conservative settings are in another user-defined policy, then the conservative settings win, and the scheduled changes do not take effect.

For details, see Default and User-defined Policies.

Policy schedule and action execution schedule

A scheduled policy can include actions. When the policy is in effect, Turbonomic recommends or automatically executes those actions as they are generated. Some of those actions could be disruptive so you may want to defer their execution to a non-critical time window. In this case, you will need to set an action execution schedule within the scheduled policy. For example, you can set a policy that automatically resizes or starts VMs for your customer-facing apps for the entire month of December, in anticipation of an increase in demand. Within this same policy, you can set the resize execution schedule to Monday, from midnight to 7:00 AM, when demand is expected to be minimal.

For more information, see Action Execution Schedules.