Updating the Kubeturbo role through an operator

Update the role if you deployed Kubeturbo with a specific role and now want to use a different role. For example, you may want to change the role from turbo-cluster-reader to turbo-cluster-admin to execute actions in Turbonomic.

There are several ways to update the Kubeturbo deployment.

  • Update your manifest.

  • Update the running Kubeturbo deployment resource.

Updating your manifest

  1. Update the YAML resource that you downloaded during the initial Kubeturbo deployment. For example, update turbo_kubeturbo_operator_reader_full.yaml.

    Update the following parameter:

    roleName: {new_role_name}

    For example, if the role initially assigned to Kubeturbo is the turbo-cluster-reader role and you want to change this to the turbo-cluster-admin role, update the parameter as follows.

    roleName: turbo-cluster-admin
  2. Apply the change to the operator.

    kubectl apply -f deploy/kubeturbo_yamls/{YAML_resource}

    For example:

    kubectl apply -f deploy/kubeturbo_yamls/turbo_kubeturbo_operator_reader_full.yaml
  3. Delete the Cluster Role Binding (CRB) that starts with the naming convention turbo-all-binding-kubeturbo.

    For example, to delete turbo-all-binding-kubeturbo-release-turbo, run the following command:

    kubectl delete clusterrolebinding turbo-all-binding-kubeturbo-release-turbo

Updating the running Kubeturbo deployment resource

  1. If you do not have the original custom resource used to deploy Kubeturbo, you can edit Kubeturbo directly by running the following command:

    kubectl edit kubeturbo kubeturbo-release
  2. Update the following parameter.

    roleName: {new_role_name}

    For example, if the role initially assigned to Kubeturbo is the turbo-cluster-reader role and you want to change this to the turbo-cluster-admin role, update the parameter as follows.

    roleName: turbo-cluster-admin

After you save your changes, the Kubeturbo pod redeploys.