Model to describe a Reserved Instance
Required Parameters
- cloudType
type: string
description: Cloud Type
enum: ['AWS', 'AZURE', 'GCP', 'HYBRID', 'UNKNOWN']
Optional Parameters
- uuid
type: string
- displayName
type: string
description: A user readable name of the api object. Cannot be blank. The UTF-8 encoding must be at most 255 bytes.
- className
type: string
- template
description: Related template
reference: BaseApiDTO
- platform
type: string
description: Platform name
- type
type: string
description: Reserved instance type
- location
description: Location, either a zone or a data center if zone is not available
reference: BaseApiDTO
- accountId
type: string
description: Account ID
- accountDisplayName
type: string
description: Account display name
- targetId
type: string
description: The associated target ID of the account
- masterAccountId
type: string
description: Master account ID
- term
description: Term, unit is Year
reference: StatApiDTO
- payment
type: string
description: Payment option
- onDemandPrice
description: On-demand price, saving is RI price minus on-demand price
reference: StatApiDTO
- costPrice
description: Total monthly cost
reference: StatApiDTO
- coupons
description: Total coupons and used coupons, utilization = numOfCouponsUsed / numOfCoupons
reference: StatApiDTO
- totalCoupons
type: number
format: float
description: Total coupons provided by the cbtp the vm matched with
- expDate
type: string
description: Expiration date
- instanceCount
type: integer
format: int32
description: Number of reserved instance with the same type, template, platform etc..
- tenancy
type: string
description: Tenancy
- upFrontCost
type: number
format: double
description: Up front cost
- actualHourlyCost
type: number
format: double
description: Actual hourly cost
- effectiveHourlyCost
type: number
format: double
description: Effective hourly cost
- isExpired
type: boolean
description: Whether the RI be expired by a date provided
- expDateEpochTime
type: integer
format: int64
description: Expiration Date in epoch time
- scopeType
type: string
description: Whether the RI scope is Single or Shared (Azure)
- appliedScopes
type: array
description: List of applied scope UUIDs- only provided when scope is Single (Azure)
type: string
- orderID
type: string
description: The Order ID of the RI (Azure)
- trueID
type: string
description: The ID of the RI
- coveredEntityCount
type: integer
format: int32
description: Count of workload entities covered by the reserved instance
- undiscoveredAccountsCoveredCount
type: integer
format: int32
description: Count of undiscovered accounts covered by the reserved instance
- toBuy
type: boolean
- sizeFlexible
type: boolean