Price adjustments for cloud service and related templates specified for a certain pricing model.
Optional Parameters
- uuid
type: string
- displayName
type: string
description: A user readable name of the api object. Cannot be blank. The UTF-8 encoding must be at most 255 bytes.
- className
type: string
- environmentType
type: string
description: Environment type
enum: ['CLOUD', 'ONPREM', 'HYBRID']
- discount
type: number
format: float
description: Entity discount percentage
- priceAdjustment
description: Entity price adjustment percentage
reference: PriceAdjustmentDTO
- pricingModel
type: string
description: Pricing model, 'On demand' for time-based, 'Reserved' for coupon-based, 'Spot' for customer bidding
- templateDiscounts
type: array
description: Discount values for the templates offered by the cloud service under certain pricing model.
reference: TemplatePriceAdjustmentDTO
- templatePriceAdjustments
type: array
description: Price adjustment values for the templates offered by the cloud service under certain pricing model.
reference: TemplatePriceAdjustmentDTO