AWS price override

Cloud Cost Adjustment (AWS)

To override the price adjustment for AWS Billing groups, Turbonomic analysis can use settings for different services that AWS provides to your accounts.

In AWS, you can set up a billing family that includes a management account and a given set of member accounts. Turbonomic treats the AWS Billing family as a Billing Group. For more information about billing families and accounts, see AWS Billing Families.

Assume you have configured a price adjustment with a discount of 10% for a billing family, to match the overall discount that AWS offers you for that scope. But then assume the account includes extra discounts for some of the services your billing families provide. Then you can create overrides to add the extra discounts to those services.

Turbonomic uses the adjusted costs in its analysis as it calculates actions. For example, assume a price adjustment of 10% for a billing group, and a discount of 20% for the M4.Large family of templates. As Turbonomic places a workload, it will consider both the template capacity and the template cost. Even if an M4 template is larger than the workload actually needs, the M4 template could be less expensive because of the added discount. In that case, Turbonomic will place the workload on the less expensive template.


The Cloud Cost Adjustment table lists the services that are available to you for the AWS Billing family that you have set up as the discount scope. The services this table displays depend on whether the billing family uses the given service, and whether there is any recorded cost at the time that you display the table. For this reason, under some circumstances you might see different services listed in the table.

Under all circumstances, the table lists the services, AWS EC2 Compute, AWS EC2 Reserved Instance, and AWS RDS.

Also, for the Cloud Cost Adjustment table to display CSP Cost and Effective Cost, you must have created a data export in AWS, and you must store it in an S3 bucket.

In the Cloud Cost Adjustment table, you can perform the following:

  • Override the price adjustment for a service or template family.

    To add an override, choose the line item for a service, or expand the row for a template family and:

    • Set the Type. Double-click and then choose Discount or Increase. Press Enter to confirm your setting.

    • Specify the percentage for this override, and then press Enter to confirm your override. The value you enter here is an absolute value for the discount or increase Turbonomic will apply for this line item.

    When you're done setting these overrides, click Save.

  • To remove all overrides and revert back to the PRICE ADJUSTMENT Discount, click CLEAR ALL OVERRIDES.

  • To download a report of the discounts for each service, click DOWNLOAD and choose CSV or PDF.

The table lists the following information about your discounts:


    The different cloud services to which you can set an override discount. To see individual workload templates:

    • For Azure, expand Virtual Machines

    • For AWS, expand AWS EC2 Compute or EC2 Reserved Instance

  • TYPE

    Whether this price adjustment will be an increase or a discount. By default, this field shows the setting that you have made for the Price Adjustment. However, you can change it as an override for an individual entry.


    The percentage that you have specified for the Price Adjustment setting. This is the general adjustment that Turbonomic applies by default to the given service.


    If you have entered a value, this is the price adjustment Turbonomic applies to the given service.


    The Cloud Service Provider's cost for VM templates, per hour. To see these costs, expand the workload services to show specific templates. The cost assumes no charge for the OS license, as though the VM runs Linux.


    The actual adjustment for the given service.


    The discounted cost for VM templates, per hour. To see these costs, expand Virtual Machines to show specific templates. The cost assumes no charge for the OS license, as though the VM runs Linux.