
The following table lists the operands for the TAPEREQ command.

Table 1. List of operands for TAPEREQ command
Operand Description
QRY Indicates a request for mount information.
MOD reqnum NOVOL Informs Tape Manager (in a Tape Manager catalog) that the tape requested for the manual scratch mount, indicated by reqnum, is not available and that an alternative volume should be used for the request if another suitable scratch volume is available.
ENQ Shows the current enqueue list for tape mount requests and tape EOV requests. See the Usage notes for more information.
CAN reqnum Specifies that the mount request (or TAPEEOV request) identified by reqnum is to be cancelled. If reqnum is not specified and the requestor has a single, cancellable mount request, the request will be cancelled.

A request number must be specified to cancel a TAPEEOV request. If the TAPEMNT request with that request number is also active, the cancel request will be applied to the TAPEEOV request without regard to the FORCE parameter. When the TAPEEOV request is cancelled, it is then possible to cancel the TAPEMNT request using the FORCE option, if that is deemed to be necessary.

FORCE Enables a system administrator to "clean up" a request that is otherwise not able to be cancelled, such as a request where the device has been given. This option should be used carefully and only to correct an out-of-sync condition, such as tape or drive error that prevents the normal completion of the request. A request number must be specified when the FORCE parameter is used.
TERSE Suppresses the informational messages EUM0010I, EUM0074I, EUM0083I, EUM0084I, EUM0288I, and EUM0291I for the requestor.
ALL Requests information on all outstanding mount requests issued by the requestor. If the requestor is a system administrator, information for all outstanding requests is returned.
ID user Requests mount information for mount requests issued by a specific user. The default is the ID of the requestor.
REQ reqnum Requests mount information for a specific mount request number.
CANCELABLE Returns information only for requests that are eligible to be cancelled.
LONG Requests output that includes node information.
TERSE Suppresses the informational messages EUM0010I, EUM0074I, EUM0083I, EUM0084I, EUM0288I, and EUM0291I for the requestor.