Usage notes

When using the TAPEMOD command, consider the following:

  1. Except for the base volume, the status and expiration date of chained volumes cannot be modified. Modifications to the status or expiration date of a base volume will be applied to all of the volumes in a chain.
  2. The volume attributes cannot be modified when the volume is in use except for the expiration date.
  3. If STATUS FREE is specified, any tape processed that resides in a private pool with a free pool will be moved to the free pool if NONE of the following are true:
    • The Use Status is "U" indicating that the volume is in use.
    • The Site Hold Status is "H" indicating that the volume is on hold.
    • The System Hold Status is "H" indicating that the volume is held by the system.
    • The volume is an external (or foreign) volume.
    • The volume is flagged for Data Security Erase processing.
    • If EJECT is specified with either the RETAIN option or the LIB parameter, the resulting library values may be reset inadvertently if the ATL Synch utility is run in update mode. The utility sets the library type to MAN and clears the library name in update mode if the volume is not in the ATL.
  4. If EJECT is specified with either the RETAIN option or the LIB parameter, the resulting library values may inadvertently be reset if the automated library synchronization utility (TMSYNCH) is run in update mode. The utility sets the library type to MAN and clears the library name in update mode if the volume is not in the ATL.
  5. The default value for the STATUS will be USED if an expiration date is specified.
  6. For Category Managed Media, the library category will be modified to the appropriate category if the command changes the scratch status of the volume. The possible library categories are Volume and Scratch, as described below:
    • If a volume was an eligible scratch volume before the command, but not after the command, the category will be changed to the Volume Category.
    • If the volume was not an eligible scratch volume before the command, but was after the command, the category will be changed to the Scratch Category.
  7. If a change to the media type causes a category managed volume to not be category managed, and the volume is an eligible scratch volume or a volume with an expiration hold set, then an attempt will be made to move the volume to the non-scratch category associated with the category managed media type.