
The table below lists the messages generated by the TAPEMOD command.

Note: For information on messages associated with the user interface, refer to TAPCMD.
Table 1. TAPEMOD messages
Message number Message text Return code
EUM0001E Error reading <file> - RC <io return code>. 26
EUM0002E Unauthorized TAPEMOD request from <user id>. 20
EUM0005E Invalid value <value> for <parm>. 24
EUM0007E Error returned from <routine> - RC <return code>. 30
EUM0010I <cmnd> message <reqnum> required from <userID>. N/A
EUM0011E Unknown command <req> in request <req#> from <reqID>. 16
EUM0017E Error sending SMSG to <ID> - RC <return code>. 30
EUM0022E Pool ID <pool ID> is not a valid pool name. 24
EUM0024E Pool ID <pool ID> does not exist. 30
EUM0031E Required parameter <parm> not specified. 24
EUM0032E Invalid parameter <parm>. 24
EUM0034E Error <return code> linking <mdsk>. 34
EUM0035E Authorization error <return code> linking <mdsk>. 34
EUM0036E Error <return code> accessing <vaddr>. 34
EUM0037E Error <return code> locating file <filename>. 26
EUM0038E Error <return code> reading file <filename>. 26
EUM0039E File <file> cannot be processed due to a version mismatch. 26
EUM0040E File <file> cannot be processed due to a record type error. 26
EUM0041E Invalid delimiter for <parm>. 24
EUM0042E No values found in file <filename>. 24
EUM0043E Invalid value <val> found in file <file>. 24
EUM0044E Length of <parm> is less than the system minimum <min>. 24
EUM0045E Length of <parm> exceeds the system maximum <value>. 24
EUM0046E The length of <parm> exceeds the maximum of <max>. 24
EUM0051E User <user id> is not authorized to alter the system inventory. 20
EUM0052E <text1> is not valid with <text2>. 24
EUM0054E Volume <vol> is not in <pool>. 24
EUM0056E User <user id> is not authorized to alter pool <pool id>. 20
EUM0058E Volume <volid> is in a chain with base volume <vol2>. 28
EUM0065E Volume <volid> is not in the system inventory. 28
EUM0075E Unexpected return code from <routine> - RC <return code>. 30
EUM0077E Volume index error: INV=<invvol> VOL=<indxvol> IND=<indxnum> 30
EUM0080E Invalid value <val1> detected for <val2>. 30
EUM0081E Parameter <parm> is less than current date. 24
EUM0083I <cmd> request <seq> complete - RC <return code>. N/A
EUM0084I <cmd> request <seq> error - RC<return code>. N/A
EUM0125I Volume <vol> in pool <pool> not in inventory. 30
EUM0133E Unauthorized request for volume <vol> in pool <pool>. 20
EUM0135I No volumes found for pool <pool id>. N/A
EUM0136E The <parm> value must be <info>. 24
EUM0137E Media type mismatch for volume <vol> in pool <pool>. 24
EUM0138E Cannot locate pool <pool> referenced by volume <vol>. 30
EUM0139E Invalid pool ID <pool> referenced by volume <vol>. 30
EUM0140E Error <return code> reading pool <pool> referenced by volume <vol>. 26
EUM0141E <cond> is not valid for system volume <vol>. 24
EUM0142E Parameter <parm> exceeds the pool maximum for pool <pool>. 24
EUM0143E Request will not be processed because volume <vol> is in use. 28
EUM0144E Volume in pool file <poolid> is in pool <tapepool>. 30
EUM0146E Source and target pool media types do not match. 24
EUM0148E Source and target are the same pool. 24
EUM0150E Keyword <parm1> is not valid with keyword <parm2>. 24
EUM0156E Invalid index entry for volume <vol>. 30
EUM0171E Error <return code> processing file <file>. 30
EUM0172E Error <return code> writing file <file>. 26
EUM0174E Volume count is negative. 30
EUM0175E Volume count is not numeric. 30
EUM0176E Index error processing TAPEMOD command. 30
EUM0177E Error reading pool <pool> for volume <vol>. 30
EUM0181I Volume <vol> not processed - invalid index. 30
EUM0187E Invalid file info passed for pool <pool>. 30
EUM0188I File info is <text>. N/A
EUM0214E Library <name> is not defined to the tape system. 24
EUM0215E Invalid value <parm> for the VOL parameter. 24
EUM0218E Library server <srvr> is not defined. 24
EUM0221E <type> request <req#> from <rqstID> was rejected by the installation exit processing. 20
EUM0326E Event not processed - invalid request type <type>. 30
EUM0329E <msg> N/A
EUM0343I The event number <num> is in use by another request. 30
EUM0349E Request <req#> could not be processed by the installation command exit. 20
EUM0352E <req> request <reqnum> from <rqstID> was rejected because the response from the installation command exit timed out. 20
EUM0373E The <cmnd> command requires operations or admin authority. 20
EUM0374E A library name is required when ATL is specified. 24
EUM0392W The used tape percentage in pool <powner pname> has reached <pct> percent of the tape maximum.


The used tape percentage in pool <powner pname> has reached <pct> percent of the tape total.

EUM0393W The free count exceeds the tape count for pool <pool>. N/A
EUM0395W The tape count exceeds the tape maximum for pool <pool>. N/A
EUM0396W The <value> for pool <powner pname> is invalid. N/A
EUM0402I Tape pool <powner pname> has no tapes and no free pool. N/A
EUM0403I Tape pool <powner pname> has a maximum tape value of zero. N/A
EUM0411W The expiration date for volume <vol> has been modified while the volume was in use. 4
EUM0413I The default retention date will be used for free tapes. N/A
EUM0414E An expiration date is invalid for volume <vol> that has a FREE status. 24
EUM0472W Mount message ID <ID> for pool <pool> is not valid. The system mount message ID will be used if it is defined. N/A
EUM0475W Volume <vol> cannot be ejected because the library type is not ATL. N/A
EUM0476W Volume <vol> cannot be ejected because it has no library name. N/A
EUM0477W Volume <vol> cannot be ejected because there is no server for library name <lib name>. N/A
EUM0478W The attempt to eject volume <vol name> from library <lib name> by eject request <req#> could not be verified. N/A
EUM0479E The attempt to eject volume <vol name> from library <lib name> by eject request <req#> failed with Rc <return code> Rsn <reason>. N/A
EUM0480I Volume <vol name> has been ejected from library <lib name> by EJECT request <req#>. N/A
EUM0481W The volume library type of any tape to be ejected will be set to manual - MAN - before the eject success is verified. N/A
EUM0496W Exception ID <ID> for pool <pool> is not defined to the system. N/A
EUM0517E The system maximum for <parm> is <value> days. 24
EUM0518E The pool maximum for <parm> is <value> days. 24
EUM533E Data set record <num> for data set <name> does not include volume <vol> but the volume DSN pointer points to that record. 30
EUM586E Volume <vol> is associated with data set <name> so the status cannot be set to FREE. The TAPEDSN command can be used to delete the data set. 28
EUM0587E The expiration date for volume <vol> cannot be modified because only the first volume of a multi-volume data set can have the expiration date modified. 28
EUM0588E Data set related volume <vol> cannot be processed because the data set volumes are controlled by request <num>. 28
EUM0594E The expiration date of volume <vol> could not be set because the volume is part of a multi-volume data set that has an invalid expiration date for the first volume of the data set. 30
EUM0601E The FILE parameter requires a file name and file type. 24
EUM0619W An error occurred while moving freed volumes to pool <powner> <pname>. 4
EUM0621W An error occurred while updating the data set expiration date information for data set <dsname>. 4
EUM0707E The <parm> value must be a non-negative integer. 24
EUM0722E <req> request <req#> could not be sent to node <name>. 26
EUM0734E The <req> command was not accepted because catalog node <name> is quiesced. 20
EUM0735E The <req> command was not accepted because local node <name> is quiesced. 20
EUM0736E The <req> command was not accepted because Tape Manager is quiesced. 20
EUM0766W Volume <vol> could not be ejected because none of the nodes associated with library <lib> were started. N/A
EUM0812E The <req> command was not accepted because External Security Manager authorizations cannot be performed – RC <return code>. 20
EUM0817E User <reqID> failed the External Security Manager check for the <req> command. N/A
EUM0831E Unable to authorize user <reqID> for <req> request <req#> – the details were logged. 20
EUM0872E Volume <vol> was not found in the library. 28
EUM0873E The eject attempt for request <req#> failed because volume <vol> was not in library <lib>. 28
EUM0874I The completion of eject request <req#> for volume <vol> from library <lib> could not be confirmed. N/A
EUM0885E The minimum value for <parm> is <value>. 24
EUM0913E Only one space-delimited minus sign ( - ) can be specified in the volume parameter. 24
EUM0914E The volume parameter cannot contain a hyphen that is preceded by a character and followed by a space. 24
EUM0915E The volume parameter cannot contain a hyphen that is preceded by a space and followed by a character. 24
EUM0916E The volume parameter cannot contain a hyphen prior to the first volume operand. 24
EUM0917E The <parm> parameter is not a valid QRY parameter 24
EUM0918E When QRY is specified QEND must also be specified. 24
EUM0919E The minimum length required to match the pattern <pattern> exceeds the system maximum length of <max> for <parm>. 24
EUM0920I Query processing returned RC <rc>. See the TAPEQRY command for messages and return codes. N/A
EUM0921I <cmd> processing was not performed because LIST was specified as a QRY operand. N/A
EUM0925E Only Tape Manager can set the System Hold SSTAT value to HOLD. The value can be reset to NOHOLD by an administrator. 24
EUM0935E Event <event#> failed to set the category code for volume <vol> in library <libname> to <category> for request <req#>. N/A
EUM0937E Unable to verify that event <event#> set the category code for volume <vol> in library <libname> to <category> for request <req#>. N/A
EUM0938E Event <event#> failed to set the category code for volume <vol> in library <libname> to <cateogry> for <req#> because the volume was not in the library. N/A
EUM0939E An attempt to set the library category for volume <vol> to <category> failed when a message could not be sent to library server <server>. N/A
EUM0940E An attempt to set the library category for volume <vol> to <category> failed when a message could not be sent to library server <server> at node <name>. N/A
EUM0941W This is a severe error that should be reported to a Tape Manager Administrator immediately! N/A
EUM0942E An attempt to set the library category for volume <vol> to <category> failed because no library server was defined for library <libname>. N/A
EUM0943E An attempt to set the library category for volume <vol> to <value> failed because there is no local server for library <libname> and no remote server is on a node where a connection is available. N/a
EUM0949E VOLSTAT returned <return code> for an attempt to set the <field> to <value> for volume <vol>. 30
EUM0966I A SETVOL attempt for request <event#> failed - RMS Rc <return code> Rsn <reason>. N/A