
The TAPELIB operands are described in the table below.

Table 1. List of operands for TAPELIB command
Operand Description
QRY ALL Requests status information for all libraries.
QRY libname Requests status information for the library specified.
CONFIG libname Specifies the library to be configured or defined. See the LIBRARY configuration statement in the IBM Tape Manager for z/VM Installation and Administration Guide (SC18-9344) for additional information when using the CONFIG operand.
ALTLIB alibname Some environments may support access to a volume from multiple libraries. Use the ALTLIB keyword to specify the name of an alternate library that can be used when the Tape Manager status of the primary library is OFFLINE and the status of the alternate library is ONLINE.

SERVER srvr AT node

Sets the Tape Library Manager (TLM) service machine associated with the library. When AT node is specified, the server name is associated with the node name specified. If the server is not logged-on at a request node, an attempt will be made to auto-log the server when the first message for the server is received from the catalog node. If a catalog node is specified, an attempt will be made to auto-log the server when the TAPELIB command is processed.
STATUS ONLINE Sets the status of the library to ONLINE. The status applies to all nodes when running in a Shared Catalog environment.
STATUS OFFLINE Sets the status of the library to OFFLINE. The status applies to all nodes when running in a Shared Catalog environment.
NEW Specifies that this is a temporary definition for a new library. The definition must be added to the Tape Manager configuration file before it is permanent.
TERSE Suppresses the informational messages EUM0010I, EUM0074I, EUM0083I, EUM0084I, EUM0288I, and EUM0291I for the requestor.