The TAPELBL operands are described in the table below.
Operand | Description |
QRY or QRY ALL | Displays all of the users that are exempted from the default non-standard label setting for the specified label type. |
QRY USER userlist | Displays the exempt status for the user ID (or list of user IDs) for the specified non-standard label type. |
QRY FILE fname ftype | Displays the exempt status for the list of user IDs in the file specified by the file name (fname) and file type (ftype). |
ADD USER userlist | Adds the user ID (or a list of user IDs), defined by userlist, to the exempt list for the specified label value. |
ADD FILE fname ftype | Adds the list of users, contained in the file specified by file name (fname) and file type (ftype), to the exempt list for the specified label value. |
DEL USER userlist | Deletes the user ID (or list of user IDs) from the exempt list for the specified label value. |
DEL FILE fname ftype | Deletes the list of users, contained in the file specified by file name (fname) and file type (ftype), from the exempt list for the specified label value. |
LABEL ALL | Indicates that the command applies to both the
NL (non-labeled) and BLP (bypass label processing) exempt lists. When used in conjunction with the QRY operand, LABEL ALL displays all of the users who are exempt from the default setting for any non-standard label processing and the corresponding label types. When used in conjunction with the DEL function, LABEL ALL indicates the user (or list of users) is removed from the exempt list for all label types. Therefore non-standard label processing for the user (or users) is controlled by the default setting for each label type. If a user ID is not defined to the system, the ID is ignored and a warning is issued. |
LABEL NL | Indicates the command applies to the exempt list
for non-labeled tape mounts. When used in conjunction with the TAPELBL QRY operand, LABEL NL displays all users who are exempt from the default setting for LABEL NL. The setting for any user who is queried, but not exempt, will show as NONE. When used in conjunction with the ADD operand, LABEL NL indicates that the user (or users) is added to the exempt list for non-labeled processing. Therefore the user (or users) is exempt from the default setting for non-labeled processing. If a user ID is not defined to the system, the ID is ignored and a warning is issued. When used in conjunction with the DEL function, LABEL NL indicates the user (or list of users) is removed from the exempt list for non-labeled types. Therefore non-standard label processing for the user (or users) is controlled by the default setting for all LABEL NL. If a user ID is not defined to the system, the ID is ignored and a warning is issued. |
LABEL BLP | Indicates the command applies to the exempt list
for bypass label processing. When used in conjunction with the TAPELBL QRY operand, LABEL BLP displays all users who are exempt from the default setting for LABEL BLP. The setting for any user who is queried, but not exempt, will show as NONE. When used in conjunction with the ADD operand, LABEL BLP indicates that the user (or users) is added to the exempt list for bypass label processing. Therefore the user (or users) is exempt from the default setting for bypass label processing. If a user ID is not defined to the system, the ID is ignored and a warning is issued. When used in conjunction with the DEL function, LABEL BLP indicates the user (or list of users) is removed from the exempt list for all label types. Therefore bypass label processing for the user (or users) is controlled by the default setting for all LABEL BLP. If a user ID is not defined to the system, the ID is ignored and a warning is issued. |
AUTH STATUS | Requests the current settings for non-standard label processing. |
AUTH type dflt except | Overrides a default setting for non-standard
label processing. AUTH specifies a non-standard label type (type),
the default authority (dflt) for the label type , and whether
there are exceptions to the default setting (except). The values
for the variables are shown below:
The CMDAUTH ADD or TAPELBL ADD command can be used to exempt users from the default setting, if exceptions are allowed. The CMDAUTH DEL or TAPELBL DEL command can be used to remove the exempt status for users. Example #1: This example indicates that BLP processing is not permitted unless an administrator has authorized the requestor using the TAPELBL ADD command. Example #2: This example indicates NL processing is permitted unless the requestor has been prohibited by an administrator using the TAPELBL ADD command. |
USER userlist | Specifies a list of one or more space-delimited
existing user IDs. Example:
FILE fname ftype | Specifies a file that contains
the list of user IDs where fname is the CMS file name and ftype is
the CMS file type. This file exists on an accessed disk of the requestor. When the FILE operand is specified, the file can contain multiple records. Each record in the file can contain multiple, space-delimited user IDs. You can use the FM or VADDR option of the TAPCMD command to specify the location of the file. |
TERSE | Suppresses the informational messages EUM0010I, EUM0074I, EUM0083I, EUM0084I, EUM0288I, and EUM0291I for the requestor. |