
The table below lists the messages generated by TAPEDEV.

Note: For information on messages associated with the user interface, refer to TAPCMD.
Table 1. TAPEDEV messages
Message number Message text Return Code
EUM0002E Unauthorized <text> from <reqID>. 20
EUM0005E Invalid value - <value> - for <parm>. 24
EUM0007E Error returned from <routine> - RC <return code>. 30
EUM0010I <cmnd> message <reqnum> required from <userid>. N/A
EUM0011E Unknown command <req> in request <req#> from <reqID>. 16
EUM0017E Error sending SMSG to <ID> - RC <return code>. 30
EUM0031E Required parameter <parm> not specified. 24
EUM0032E Invalid parameter <parm>. 24
EUM0041E Invalid delimiter for <parm>. 24
EUM0083I <cmnd> request <reqnum> complete – RC <rc>. N/A
EUM0084I <cmnd> request <reqnum> error – RC <rc>. N/A
EUM0089E Send failed - ID: <ID> MSG: <msg>. 30
EUM0129I Device <dev> is unallocated with status <stat>. N/A
EUM0130I Device <dev> is allocated to request <rqst>. N/A
EUM0131I No status information available for device <dev>. N/A
EUM0132I There are no devices in the device list. N/A
EUM0198I Device <dev> is allocated to user <user>. N/A
EUM0215E Invalid value - <val> - for the <parm> parameter. 24
EUM0221E <type> request <req#> from <rqstID> was rejected by the installation exit processing. 20
EUM0245I Device <dev> is unallocated and READY with volume <vol>. N/A
EUM0326E Event not processed - invalid request type <type>. 30
EUM0329E <msg> N/A
EUM0343I The event number <num> is in use by another request. 30
EUM0349E Request <req#> could not be processed by the installation command exit. 20
EUM0352E <req> request <reqnum> from <rqstID> was rejected because the response from the installation command exit timed out. 20
EUM0364E Device <dev> is in a manual pool but device pool <pool> is a ATL pool. 24
EUM0365E Device <dev> is in an ATL pool but device pool <pool> is a manual pool. 24
EUM0366E Either the DEVPOOL or NEWPOOL parameter must be specified. 24
EUM0367E The DEVPOOL parameter must be specified. 24
EUM0368E Device pool <pool> is not defined. 24
EUM0369E Device pool <pool> is already defined. 24
EUM0370E The pool type must be either ATL or MAN. 24
EUM0371E The device parameter must be ALL when DROP is specified. 24
EUM0372I Device Manager processing is pending for TAPEDEV request <rqst>. N/A
EUM0373E The TAPEDEV <type> command requires system operator or admin authority. 20
EUM0374E A library name is required when ATL is specified. 24
EUM0375E A library name is not permitted when MAN is specified. 24
EUM0376E Unexpected parameter <parm> was passed for a TAPEDEV event. 30
EUM0377E A SEND error occurred for TAPEDEV request <req #>. 30
EUM0378E The TAPEDEV command is restricted to <max#> addresses. 24
EUM0380E A <errtype> error was returned by the Device Manager. 30
EUM0381E The Device Manager did not find pool <devpool>. 4
EUM0382E Request <req#> was processed with errors. 4
EUM0383I Request <req#> completed successfully. 0
EUM0384E Unexpected status <status> was returned by the Device Manager. 30
EUM0385I There are no devices in the device pool. 0
EUM0401I DevPool: <devpool> Device: <device> Status: <status> Request: <req#> N/A
EUM0473I Device <dev> has been removed from the dedicated device list. N/A
EUM0474I Device <dev> is assigned to request <num> and will be detached after the request is completed. N/A
EUM0722E <req> request <req#> could not be sent to node <node>. 26
EUM0734E The <req> command was not accepted because catalog node <node> is quiesced. 20
EUM0735E The <req> command was not accepted because local node <node> is quiesced. 20
EUM0736E The <req> command was not accepted because Tape Manager is quiesced. 20
EUM0738E Unable to send the <msgtype> message to node <node>. 24
EUM0762E Unable to send the command to <ID>. N/A
EUM0765E Server <srvr> reports that <cmd> request <req#> for device <dev> failed. 8
EUM0767W Device <dev> was not in the active device list. N/A
EUM0768I Device <dev> is unallocated on node <node> and READY with volume <vol>. N/A
EUM0769I Device <dev> is unallocated on node <node> and status is <status>. N/A
EUM0770I Device <dev> is allocated on node <node> to request <req#>. N/A
EUM0771I Device <dev> is allocated on node <node> to user <user>. N/A
EUM0776E Invalid null value for the <parm> parameter. N/A
EUM0780E The <opr> operand is not permitted when a <type> node is not defined. 24
EUM0812E The <req> command was not accepted because External Security Manager authorizations cannot be performed – RC <rc>. 20
EUM0817E User <reqID> failed the External Security Manager check for the <req> command. N/A
EUM0831E Unable to authorize user <reqID> for <req> request <req#> – the details were logged. 20