
To use STATUS, you must have Tape Manager Admins or Operations authority. In a dedicated Tape Manager catalog or RMM environment, only users with administrator or operations authority (as defined in the configuration file) or users added by the CMDAUTH command are authorized to send SMSG STATUS commands directly to the device management and library management machines. This restriction applies regardless of any External Security Manager (ESM) settings.

In a Shared Catalog environment, only the administrators and operators defined in the catalog node configuration file are permitted to send SMSG status commands directly to the device management and library management machines on the catalog and request nodes, because those machines are managed by the TMM on the catalog node. This restriction applies regardless of any ESM settings.

When an External Security Manager (ESM) is active, the authorities may be controlled by ESM profiles:

  • When Privileged_User_Authority is YES, Tape Manager Operations authority requires READ access to the operator profile.
  • When Privileged_User_Authority is YES, Tape Manager Admins authority requires READ access to the administrator profile.

Refer to the IBM Tape Manager for z/VM Installation and Administration Guide for more details.