Receiving mount messages for a private pool

Messages pertaining to tape mounts are normally sent to the Primary_Mount and Secondary_Mount ID's, which are defined in the Message_Consoles statement in the SYS CONFIG file. The system allows the designation of one or two ID's to receive all of the messages that pertain to mount activity.

An alternate user ID can be designated for either of the system message ID's for each private pool that is defined. This feature can be useful either for an audit function or to reroute messages to an alternate location.

It is important to understand that any ID that is designated to receive mount messages for a private pool can also query and cancel mount requests for that pool. An alternate ID for mount messages can be assigned with the MNTID1 and/or MNTID2 parameter when the pool is defined using the POOLDEF command, or after the pool is defined using the POOLMOD command.