Usage notes
When using the POOLMOD command, consider the following:
- When a FREEPOOL is specified, requests may not be satisfied if they are prevented by configuration options, access restrictions, or a lack of free tapes in the scratch pool.
- Refer to POOLACC and Pool access privileges for additional discussion on access privileges.
- When DSE (data security erase) is specified, an expired tape that is eligible for DSE processing will be unavailable until the security erase is performed or until the tape status is modified to reset the DSE-pending status.
- The free pool cannot be defined when the MEDIA type is changed because that would result in mismatched media types.
- If the MEDIA type is changed and this pool is a free pool for another private pool, a scratch mount for the other pool will fail if it attempts to draw a free tape from this pool.
- If message EUM0161I is generated when the MEDIA parameter is specified, there is an issue with the volume identified in the message. Specifically, this volume was listed in the pool volume file even though the system inventory indicated that the volume was not in the pool being modified. When this occurs, the operation proceeds, the corresponding volume record in the pool volume file is deleted, and the media type of the volume is not changed.