
The POOLDEF command requires pool creation authority if the "owner" is the requestor. If the "owner" is not the requestor, Tape Manager Admins authority is required. If an existing pool is specified for FREEPOOL, the owner of the pool being defined must have FREE authority for that pool.

When an External Security Manager (ESM) is active, the authorization requirements may differ:

  • Pool creation authority is controlled by the system pool definition profile when System_Authority is YES.
  • The ability to specify a private free pool is controlled by the free pool profile when Pool_Authority is YES. The user that issues the command (rather than the pool owner of the pool being defined) must have READ access to the free pool profile of the pool specified as the free pool.
  • The ability to specify the system free pool is controlled by the system scratch profile when System_Authority is YES. The user that issues the command must have READ access to the system scratch profile.
  • Tape Manager Admins authority requires READ access to the administrator profile when Privileged_User_Authority is YES.

For more details, refer to the IBM Tape Manager for z/VM Installation and Administration Guide.