The table below lists all of the operands you can use with the POOLACC command.
Operand | Description |
powner | Identifies the owner of a private pool. is the owner of a private pool. This operand is not valid if External Security is active and the Private_Pool_Auth setting is YES. |
pname | Identifies the name of a private pool. This operand is not valid if External Security is active and the Private_Pool_Auth setting is YES. |
SYS SCRATCH | Controls access to the system free pool. This form
of the command is only used to authorize private pools to use the
system pool for a free pool. (See POOLDEF and POOLMOD.) The user ID in that case
must be the pool owner of the pool that will have a free pool of SYS. This operand is not valid if External Security is active and the System_Authority setting is YES. |
SYS POOL | Controls the ability to create private pools. This operand is not valid if External Security is active and the System_Authority setting is YES. |
SYSHLQ hlq | Controls the ability to create tape data sets with the specified high-level qualifier. This operand is not valid if External Security is active and the System_Authority setting is YES. |
USER userlist | Specifies a list of one or more space-delimited existing IDs. For SYS SCRATCH, the user ID does not have to be an existing system ID because pool owners are not required to be defined to the system. |
FILE fname ftype | Specifies a file that contains
the list of user IDs where fname is the CMS file name and ftype is
the CMS file type. This file exists on an accessed disk of the requestor. When the FILE operand is specified, the file can contain multiple records. Each record in the file can contain multiple, space-delimited user IDs. You can use the FM or VADDR option of the TAPCMD command to specify the location of the file. |
ADMN | Grants administrative authority to a private pool. |
TAPE | Grants TAPE authority to a private pool. For SYS SCRATCH, grants access to the system free pool. |
WRITE | Grants WRITE authority to a private pool. |
READ | Grants READ authority to a private pool. |
NONE | NONE has different meaning based on how it is used:
DELT | Deletes an existing permission. |
FREE TAPE | Grants authority to take free tapes from this pool. This permission allows the use of this private pool as a FREEPOOL entry in a POOLDEF command issued by the grantee. |
FREE NONE | Removes an existing FREE TAPE permission. |
DEFN (for SYS POOL) | Grants the authority to define private pools. |
DEFN (for SYSHLQ) | Grants the authority to define data sets with the high-level qualifier (HLQ) that is specified. |
CNTL (for SYSHLQ) | Grants the authority to create data sets with the high-level qualifier (HLQ) or to modify permissions to create data sets with the HLQ. By default, a user ID has control (CNTL) privileges for the HLQ that matches the user ID. |
TERSE | Suppresses the informational messages EUM0010I, EUM0074I, EUM0083I, EUM0084I, EUM0288I and EUM0291I for the requestor. |