Defining Category Managed media types

The category values associated with a media type can be specified in the Define_Media configuration statement by specifying the VolCat (volume category) and ScrCat (scratch category) keywords. These same keywords can be used to specify categories with the CNFGSET MEDIA command when defining a new media type or modifying an existing media type. Use of the SCRSEL RANDOM option is recommended when defining category managed media types with a fast-ready scratch category.

Valid values for ScrCat (the Scratch Category) are listed below. These values are used directly by Tape Manager on commands to DFSMSRMS. Refer to Appendix C in IBM TotalStorage 3494 Tape Library: A Practical Guide to Tape Drives and Tape Automation (SG24-4632) for an understanding of scratch category values.

Table 1. Values for Scratch Category
Value Additional information
SCRATCHx Specify the value of "x" as a single, hexadecimal character.
hex value Specify any four-character hexadecimal string.
Note: The specification of SCRATCH may result in category SCRATCH0 in the library.

Valid values for Vol (the Volume Category) are listed below. These values are used directly by Tape Manager on commands to DFSMSRMS. Refer to Appendix C in IBM TotalStorage 3494 Tape Library: A Practical Guide to Tape Drives and Tape Automation (SG24-4632) for an understanding of volume category values.

Table 2. Values for Volume Category
Value Additional information
VOLspecfic Specify an abbreviation that is three or more characters for VOLSPECIFIC.
hex_value Specify any four-character hexadecimal string.

Example of Define Media Category statement

The example below shows how the VolCat and ScrCat keywords can be used with the Define_Media statement. In this example:
  • ScrSel is set to RANDOM, as recommended for category managed media.
  • VolCat is set to VOL, indicating that RMS commands issued by Tape Manager will specify VOLSPECIFIC for the volume category.
  • ScrCat is set to SCRATCH0, indicating that RMS commands issued by Tape Manager will specify SCRATCH0 for the scratch category.
Define_Media VTAPE,  
  DevPool VTSDEVS,    
  Mode RW,           
  ScrSel RANDOM,    
  VolCat VOL,        

Example of Define Media Category statement with an Expire Hold period

The example below shows how the VolCat and ScrCat keywords can be used with the Define_Media statement and includes Expire Hold (ExpHold).
  • ScrSel is set to RANDOM, as recommended for category managed media.
  • VolCat is set to VOL indicating that RMS commands issued by Tape Manager will specify VOLSPECIFIC for the volume category.
  • ScrCat is set to SCRATCH0 indicating that RMS commands issued by Tape Manager will specify SCRATCH0 for the scratch category.
  • ExpHold is set to 1 indicating that expired tapes will not be used as scratch tapes for a period of one day. IBM recommends that this value match the Expire Time set in the automated tape library when the fast ready scratch category is defined.
Define_Media VTAPE,  
  DevPool VTSDEVS,    
  Mode RW,           
  ScrSel RANDOM,    
  VolCat VOL,        
  ScrCat SCRATCH0,
  ExpHold 1

Example of CNFGSET MEDIA Category command

The example below shows how the VolCat and ScrCat keywords are used with the CNFGSET command. In this example,
  • ScrSel is set to RANDOM, as recommended for category managed media.
  • ScrCat is set to 0080 indicating that the RMS commands issued by Tape Manager will specify 0080, which is SCRATCH0, for the scratch category.
  • VolCat is set to FFFF, indicating that RMS commands issued by Tape Manager will specify FFFF for the volume category. This is equivalent to specifying VolCat VOL.

Example of CNFGSET MEDIA Category command with an Expire Hold period

The example below shows how the VolCat and ScrCat keywords are used with the CNFGSET MEDIA command and Expire Hold (EXPHOLD). In this example,
  • ScrSel is set to RANDOM, as recommended for category managed media.
  • ScrCat is set to 0080 indicating that the RMS commands issued by Tape Manager will specify 0080, which is SCRATCH0, for the scratch category.
  • ExpHold is set to 1 indicating that expired tapes will not be used as scratch tapes for a period of one day. IBM recommends that this value match the Expire Time set in the automated tape library when the fast ready scratch category is defined.
  • VolCat is set to FFFF, indicating that RMS commands issued by Tape Manager will specify FFFF for the volume category. This is equivalent to specifying VolCat VOL.