
Use the TapeLbl statement to specify the default authorization for use of non-standard labels (NL or BLP) in mount requests and to indicate whether checking is to be performed for exceptions.

  • The first parameter on the statement indicates the type of non-standard label (NL or BLP).
  • The second parameter is the default authorization setting.
  • The third parameter determines if authorization checking will be performed for exceptions to the default setting.

Refer to the TAPELBL and CMDAUTH commands in the IBM® Tape Manager for z/VM® User's Guide and Reference for additional information.

Table 1. Examples of TapeLbl statements
TapeLbl statement Description
TapeLbl BLP NONE NO BLP requests are not permitted and there are no exceptions. This is the default if the TapeLbl BLP statement is omitted.
TapeLbl BLP NONE YES BLP requests are permitted only for authorized users.
TapeLbl BLP ALL NO BLP requests are permitted for all users.
TapeLbl BLP ALL YES BLP requests are permitted for all users who are not expressly prohibited.
TapeLbl NL NONE NO NL requests are not permitted and there are no exceptions. This is the default if the TapeLbl NL statement is omitted.
TapeLbl NL NONE YES NL requests are permitted only for authorized users.
TapeLbl NL ALL NO NL requests are permitted for all users.
TapeLbl NL ALL YES NL requests are permitted for all users who are not expressly prohibited.


TapeLbl,           /* Label setting for the tape mount command         */
    NL,            /* Settings for LABEL NL                            */
    NONE,          /* Usage is not allowed                             */
    YES            /* Unless the user is authorized                    */
TapeLbl,           /* Label setting for the tape mount command         */
    BLP,           /* Settings for LABEL BLP                           */
    NONE,          /* Usage is not allowed                             */
    YES            /* Unless the user is authorized                    */