Tape Manager Utilities
Tape Manager includes three utilities that you may find useful:
- TMSYNCH - Attempts to verify that any tapes expected to be in an automated tape library (ATL) are actually there, and performs corrective actions if tapes are missing.
- TMDSE - Looks for tapes that require Data Security Erase (DSE) processing and erases them.
- TMVERIFY - Scans the Tape Manager database, checking fields for a valid type, and then cross-checks the file to attempt to find discrepancies.
All of these utilities should be run from a user ID defined by the installation for that purpose. You can run all three utilities from the same user ID, define three different user IDs, or combine them in any way you want.
You can run the utilities "as needed" or on a scheduled time frame. For example, you could run the TMDSE utility every Sunday night, but run the DSE and SYNCH utilities once a month.