
Use the GenScratch statement to control the type of mount message (a VOLSER or SCRATCH) that is issued for scratch requests on manual devices. This statement is optional and defaults to NO.

Note: The GenScratch statement is not valid on request nodes.

For an EMC or Dell virtual tape library (VTL), GenScratch must be set to NO.

If the GenScratch statement is not specified (or GenScratch NO is specified), a specific volume will be requested when a mount message is issued to the operator for a scratch mount request on a manual device and the VOLSER will be displayed on the device.

If GenScratch YES is specified, a scratch request can be converted to a generic scratch mount. In this case, the mount message issued to the operator for the request will indicate SCRATCH, rather than a VOLSER, and the display on the manual device will also display SCRATCH. A scratch mount request will be converted to a generic scratch request when the following is true:

  • A suitable scratch volume is not pre-mounted on a dedicated device.
  • The mount pool has a free pool defined.
  • Either of the following is true:
    • The preferred mount type is manual and there is a manual tape in the free pool.
    • The secondary mount type is manual, there is a manual tape in the free pool, and there are no ATL tapes in the free pool.

A generic mount request can be satisfied by mounting a scratch volume from either the mount pool or the free pool on the designated manual device.


GenScratch  YES              /* No VOLSER in manual scratch messages  */