
Use the FreeAcc statement to set the default access to the System Free Pool. Specify NONE or ALL.

Note: The FreeAcc setting is ignored if external security is active and the System_Authority setting is YES. Also, FreeAcc is not valid on request nodes.

Other configuration statements, such as FreeAuth, and the POOLACC command may affect the setting you choose for FreeAcc. The use of FreeAcc is described in more detail below.

Use with FreeAuth

When the FreeAuth statement is set to Y, the FreeAcc setting determines the permissions that are required to restrict or allow access to the free pool. You can choose to restrict everyone, then give permission to a few people, or you can give access to everyone, but restrict a few people. Consider the following:

  • If the FreeAuth statement is set to N, meaning no authorization checking is to be done, the FreeAcc statement is not required and is ignored
  • If the FreeAuth statement is set to Y and FreeAcc is NONE, authority to use the SYS pool is required.
  • If the FreeAuth statement is set to Y and FreeAcc is ALL, the use of the SYS pool is allowed unless the requestor is explicitly prohibited.

Use with POOLACC

When choosing a setting for FreeAcc, you may want to review the setting for the POOLACC command. Consider the following:

  • If you want most users to have access to the system free pool, use FreeAcc ALL. Access to the pool can then be restricted for individual users by using the POOLACC SYS FREE command to set the access privilege to NONE.
  • If you want most users to be restricted from accessing the system free pool, use FreeAcc NONE. Access to the pool can then be permitted for individual users by using the POOLACC SYS FREE command to set the access privilege to TAPE.


FreeAcc   NONE              /* No private pool use of system free pool  */