
The Display_Text statement controls the device display once a tape mount request is satisfied and the device is ready to attach to the appropriate ID. A device will be attached either to the ID that requested the tape mount or the ID specified in the ATT parameter of the TAPEMNT command.

The statement can have one or two parameters depending on whether the display is to show a single value or flash alternatively between two values. Either of these two parameters can be composed of the following:

  • a symbolic value only
  • a literal value only
  • a combination of a symbolic value and a literal.

The length of the value(s) displayed will be truncated to eight (8) bytes. Only one symbolic value is permitted in each parameter specified. The parameters can be specified in upper or lower case, but will be treated as upper case parameters regardless.

The table below lists the symbolic values for which a substitution will occur.

Table 1. Symbolic values
Symbolic Value Definition
&vol Substitute the VOLSER (for a labeled volume).
&volser Same as &vol
&user Substitute the user ID to which the device is attached.
&requestor Substitute the user ID that issued the TAPEMNT command.
&sysid Substitute the z/VM® system name.
&tmmid Substitute the TMM ID.
&rdev Substitute the real device address.
&vdev Substitute the virtual device address.

Example #1:

This example shows the default value if the Display_Text statement is omitted. This statement causes the display to flash between the VOLSER (plus an arrow) and the attach ID.

Display_Text &vol-> &user

Example #2:

The statement below causes only the VOLSER to be displayed.

Display_Text &vol

Example #3:

Display_Text ZVM_&sysid &vol

The statement in this example causes the display to flash between the system ID prefixed by the literal ZVM_ and the volume ID. If the system ID in this example was greater than four (4) characters in length, only the first four characters of the ID would be displayed as appended to the ZVM_ literal: