
Use the Define_Local_Node statement to define the Tape Manager local node in a Shared Catalog environment. Keep the following considerations in mind when defining a name for a local node:
  • If the local node is a request node, a corresponding Define_Remote_Node statement with the same node name must be defined in the SYS CONFIG file on the catalog node.
  • If the local node is a catalog node, a corresponding Define_Remote_Node statement with the same node name must be defined in the SYS CONFIG file on each of the request nodes.

The parameters for the Define_Local_Node statement are:

Specifies the name of the local node. The name can be the same as the user ID of the TMM machine name or any name composed of up to 12 alpha-numeric characters.
Specifies whether this is a catalog node or a request node. If this is the catalog node, the node type will be CATALOG; otherwise, the node type will be REQUEST.
Initial Status
Specifies START if node communications are to be started at start up; otherwise, STOP should be specified.
Specifies an arbitrary value that is used to generate a hash value. A hash value is embedded in each message that passes between nodes to ensure the integrity of the message. The Challenge_Password parameter can be a maximum of 64 alpha-numeric characters and cannot contain spaces, commas, or comment delimiters (/* or */).
(Optional) Specifies the name of the service machine that will provide the TCP/IP stack. Tape Manager will attempt to determine the name of the machine by using the following CMS command if the parameter is omitted:
If the name cannot be determined from the IDENTIFY command, the value defaults to TCPIP.
Specifies the host name that will be used for the node. If the host name is resolved, the resolved value will be used rather than the value of the Host_Addr parameter, if that parameter is also specified. The Host_Name parameter is optional, but either a Host_Name or a Host_Addr (address) value must be specified.
Specifies the IPV4 address that will be used for the listening socket. If both the host name and host address are specified, the host address will be used only if the host name cannot be resolved. A host address of indicates that the local default IP address will be used.
Specifies the IP port number that will be used for the listening socket on the local node.
Specifies the time, in minutes, between connection retry attempts.
Specifies the number of retries to attempt before stopping the connection attempts. A zero (0) can be specified to prevent automatic retry attempts. If a zero is specified or the retry limit is exceeded, the NODECMD command must be used to retry a connection. Once the retry count is exceeded, the remote node state will be "ENABLED" and the status will be "STOPPED". The "ENABLED" state will allow inbound connection requests from a remote node to be accepted.


  Node_Name SYS10,
  Node_Type CATALOG,
  Initial_Status START,
  Challenge_Password abc123,
  Tcpip_Machine TCPIP,
  Host_Name SYS1,
  Host_Port 31000,
  Retry_Minutes 1,
  Retry_Limit 0