
Use the CmdExit statement in the configuration file to control the site command exit processing when a user command exit (EUMCMD) will be used.

Attention: If the site does not plan to use the Tape Manager command exit feature, the CmdExit statement is not required and should be removed from the Tape Manager configuration file.
The file name of the command exit is EUMCMD EXEC and the exit can be used to alter the format of a command, reject a command, or allow a command to execute without modification.
Note: If you choose to omit the CmdExit statement, you can use the CmdExit command to define the command exit dynamically.

If you plan to use a command exit, it is normally recommended for the exit to run on the TMM machine. In this case, specify the TMM machine name in the CmdExit statement to run the exit within the TMM. However, if the exit issues any Tape Manager commands as part of the exit processing, the exit must run on the CMM machine. In this case, specify the name of the CMM machine on the statement.

Use ENABLE or DISABLE to set the initial status of the exit. If the exit is to run in the TMM machine, any remaining parameters that are specified are ignored.

When the CmdExit statement has DISABLE specified, the statement will be validated and the operands will be used if a CmdExit ENABLE command is issued without any overriding parameters. When a command exit is enabled on a Shared Catalog request node, the command exit will process the requests and forward any accepted commands to be executed remotely to the catalog node. Any command that is accepted on the request node and forwarded to the catalog node will also be subject to any exit processing that is enabled for the catalog node.

If the exit will run on the CMM, the transmit action, the response timeout value, the response timeout action, and sub-command timeout value must be specified. Valid values are listed in the below.
  • The transmit action is either RUN or FAIL when a command cannot be transmitted to the CMM machine.
    • RUN. This value indicates that Tape Manager is to continue processing the command requested by the user without performing command exit processing.
    • FAIL. This value indicates Tape Manager should not process the command and an error message is returned to the user.
  • The response timeout value is the number of 10 second intervals to wait for a response from the CMM before timing out.
  • The response timeout action is either RUN or FAIL (see descriptions above) and is used if the exit process times out.
  • The sub-command seconds is the number of seconds that the CMM machine will wait for a Tape Manager command (issued by the exit) to complete, while processing a user request.

Refer to The Command Exit in this manual and the "CmdExit" command in the IBM Tape Manager for z/VM User's Guide and Reference (SC18-9349) for additional information.

The CmdExit statement has several parameters, which are described in the table below.

Table 1. Parameters for CmdExit statement
Parameter Description
Init status Specifies the initial status of the exit as either ENABLE or DISABLE.
Exit ID The ID of the exit processor is the name of the service machine where the command exit (EUMCMD EXEC) will be executed.
  • If you want the command exit to be executed on the TMM machine, specify TxTMM (the user ID of your TMM machine). The remaining parameters are ignored. This option should only be used if your command exit does not issue any Tape Manager commands.
  • If the command exit resides on a separate service machine, typically TxCMM, the remaining parameters are used for command exit processing. If the use of Tape Manager commands is required in the command exit, the exit must be executed on a service machine other than the TMM.
Note: Refer to sample command exit (EUMCMD EXECSAMP) provided on the TMCMM 191 disk for the correct method for issuing a Tape Manager command in the exit.
Xmit ACTN Indicates the desired action if the command cannot be sent to the exit processor. Valid actions are:
  • RUN. This value indicates Tape Manager should continue processing the original request if the command cannot be sent to the CMM machine.
  • FAIL. This value indicates Tape Manager should reject the original request if the command cannot be sent to the CMM machine.
Intervals Specifies the number of 10-second intervals to wait for a command exit response before timing out.
TO ACTN Indicates the desired timeout action if the exit process times out. Valid actions are:
  • RUN. This value indicates Tape Manager should continue processing the original request if a response from the CMM is not received within the timeout period.
  • FAIL. This value indicates Tape Manager should reject the original request if a response from the CMM is not received within the timeout period.
SubCMD Secs The subcommand seconds is the number of seconds that the command exit machine will wait for a subcommand (i.e. a command issued on behalf of a primary user request being processed by the exit).


CmdExit,           /* Command Exit Settings                            */
    ENABLE,        /* Command Exit is enabled                          */
    TMCMM,         /* Command Exit service machine is TMCMM            */
    RUN,           /* Run the command if transmit fails                */
    3,             /* Wait 30 seconds for a response                    */
    RUN,           /* Run the command if no response                   */
    60             /* Command Exit subcommand timeout after 60 sec    */